Home Alternative Living How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable Garden – 100% Natural Ways

How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable Garden – 100% Natural Ways

by Andreea Laza
How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable Garden - 100% Natural Ways - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn how to attract pollinators to vegetable garden the natural way? Continue reading and find out how.

There are many insects who are welcome visitors to your garden, as they are natural pollinators and help grow your crops. Their favorite food is composed of the most insufferable plant pests: fleas, spiders, and larvae. Thus, in addition to attracting these pollenizers to your veggie garden, you also do pest control with their help. But the question is how to attract pollenizers to vegetable garden in a natural way. Here are three simple ways in which you can attract pollinators to your veggie garden and grow lush and beautiful crops.

How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable – 3 Simple Ways

1. Attract Pollinating Insects

Fruit trees and vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkins and squashes need pollinating insects to produce a good harvest. These useful insects can be attracted to the vegetable garden by spraying sugar water on the leaves of the plants. To make this simple spray to attract pollinators, you need 50 g of sugar, 1 cup of water and an additional 2,5 liters to dillute the solution. Boil the sugar in one cup of water until it dissolves, and leave the solution to cool down, Then pour it into the 2.5 liters of water into a large spray bottle and spray the plants.

How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable Garden - 100% Natural Ways - 9Pedia.com

2. Seed Plants That Attract Pollinators

Useful insects can be encouraged to visit our vegetable garden, provided they find their favorite plants in it. These are: marigolds, cornflowers, dill, garlic, chives, lavender, mint, basil, roses and yarrow. Ladybugs are big eaters of fleas, mites and plant lice so make sure they are also attracted to your vegetable garden. And this is quite easy to do.

Marigolds are famous for their power to repel unwanted insects from the garden, yet attract pollinators that help the garden. The stronger their scent, the greater their power to repel pests and invite pollinators. For best results, plant rows of marigolds everywhere in your garden. In addition, sow as many common zinnias as possible between your garden rows and plant fleas will disappear without a trace.

3. Provide Water for Natural Pollinators

Natural pollinator insects need water to drink and it is good to offer it to them, but at the same time, provide them with several dry places to land. Fill a not too deep container with stones, pour water on top, but don’t cover the stones fully with water. If you water the small plants in your garden with sweetened water (water in which you add some sugar), they will get rid of harmful insects and later attract bees for pollination. Bees that show up in your vegetable garden should not be chased away, as they are the best pollinators for your vegetables and fruit trees.

How to Attract Pollinators to Vegetable Tip

To attract useful insects to your garden or balcony, let some vegetables to bloom (lettuce, broccoli, white cabbage and other relatives of the cruciferous family especially).

Read Also: How to Pair Up Plants to Prevent Garden Invaders – 9 Simple Tips

In the years that come more and more people will return to a more natural and sustainable way of living, and learning how to grow a natural garden is the first step. Growing your own vegetable garden is the key to eating healthy, becoming more abundant and free. If you’ve enjoyed learning how to attract pollinators to your veggie garden and grow lush and beautiful crops, then please share this article so more people can use this information. Thank you for being here!

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