Home Alternative Living How to Make Natural Insecticide for Plants – 10 Homemade Recipes for All Invaders

How to Make Natural Insecticide for Plants – 10 Homemade Recipes for All Invaders

by Andreea Laza
How to Make Natural Insecticide for Plants - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn how to make natural insecticide for plants at home? Discover 10 insecticide recipes that you can make yourself.

Learning how to make natural insecticide for plants at home is not that hard. To make your very own natural insecticide you need very simple, non-toxic ingredients, herbs, and even essential oils. Depending on the plant invader, we have for you not just one, but 10 homemade recipes for natural insecticides, depending on their use. Without further ado, here are the 10 natural insecticide recipes we want to share with you today.

How to Make Natural Insecticide at Home – 10 DIY Recipes

1. Natural Insecticide Spray Recipe with Soap

This powerful insecticide kills a lot of garden pests, chief among which are greenhouse slugs, plant fleas, and lice. Dissolve a spoonful of grated natural soap in 2.5 liters of water. Pour it into a large garden sprayer with which you spray the affected plants once a week and after rain. Slugs that eat lettuce can be neutralized very simply and in another way. Cut an orange in two, scoop out the core, and put the peel on the ground, with the convex side up. The snails will give up the salad, to shelter under the new roof of the half orange. If you have frogs in your garden, you are lucky because slugs are their favorite food.

2. Pepper & Garlic Natural Insecticide Recipe

Garlic repels garden pests, especially leaf-eating insects, while black pepper is one of the most powerful natural insecticides. For this recipe, you need 1 head of garlic, 8 hot peppercorns, 1250 ml (5 cups) of water, and a drop of natural shampoo. Crush the garlic and peppercorns in a mortar and then blend them with water. Let them macerate overnight, then strain the liquid and put it in a sprayer. Add the shampoo and shake well. Spray your affected plants abundantly, twice a week, and after each rain, even a few weeks after you notice that the garden invaders have disappeared. You can keep this natural insecticide in the refrigerator for one month.

3. Herbal Natural Insecticide Recipe

For this natural herbal insecticide, you need a tbsp of chopped wild chamomile, a teaspoon of chopped green onions, a teaspoon of chopped common rue, 125 ml (1/2 cup) of boiling water, and 2-3 drops of natural shampoo. Pour the boiling water over the chopped herbs, cover the bowl, and let the liquid cool completely. Strain, and then pour it into a spray bottle. Add the shampoo, shake well, and then spray your plants. This natural insecticide repels insects that eat plants.

4. Natural Insecticide Recipe with Tobacco Leaves

Tobacco leaf maceration is a wonderful natural insecticide for plant fleas, dwarf spiders, snails, and plant white worms. To prepare your own natural insecticide with tobacco, put 2 handfuls (respectively one) of tobacco leaves in 10 liters of water (if you have a garden) or 5 liters (if you grow plants on the balcony). Leave to macerate until the water has the color of green tea. Strain the tobacco maceration and pour it into a garden sprayer. Spray this natural insecticide over the affected plants in your garden or balcony.

5. Tomato Leaves Natural Insecticide Recipe

Tomato leaves are rich in alkaloids, very toxic substances for harmful garden insects. Make your own natural insecticide with 100 g of chopped tomato leaves, 125 ml of water, and half a teaspoon of gentle natural shampoo. Soak the tomato leaves in the water overnight, then strain the liquid very well through a cheesecloth. Pour the maceration into a spray bottle, add the shampoo, shake well, and then spray the affected plants.

6. Natural Insecticide for Ants DIY

Certain plants, such as lavender and spearmint, repel ants if you grow them around your house or on windows. The same for peppermint and lemon essential oils. A simple way to repel ants is to pour a few drops of these two essential oils on a cotton pad and place the pad where you have ants. Renew the pad every two days, so that the smell is strong. Or, make your own natural insecticide for ants with black pepper, garlic, and dill. Mix 50 g of ground pepper, 50 g of grated garlic, and 60 g of ground dry dill and spread them around the stems of the affected plants.

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7. Natural Insecticide for Cabbage Worms

This natural insecticide kills cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli butterflies (Pieris rapae). To make this natural insecticide at home, you need 80 g of chopped fresh tansy flowers (the plant with yellow button-like flowers gathered in bunches, strong-smelling, that grows on roadsides), 1250 ml/5 cups of boiling water, 2-3 drops of natural shampoo. Boil the tansy in water, cover the bowl, and let it cool completely. Strain the liquid and pour it into a garden sprayer. Add the shampoo, shake well, and spray your vegetables with this phenomenal natural insecticide.

8. Natural Insecticide for Plant Lice (Aphids)

Strong wormwood infusion acts as a natural insecticide against plant fleas. To prepare this natural insecticide, you need 100 g of freshly chopped wormwood, 125 ml of boiling water, and 1/2 teaspoon of gentle natural shampoo. Pour boiling water over the plant, cover the pot with a lid, and let it cool. Strain the liquid, then put it in a spray bottle, and the shampoo, and shake well. Spray your plants with this natural insecticide to prevent or ward off fleas.

9. Natural Insecticide for Caterpillars & Plant Fleas

You can get rid of garden caterpillars if you spray the plants on the terrace or in the garden with homemade soapy water (use 100% natural soap). Repeat the process until there is no trace left of the garden invaders. Garlic water is another natural insecticide for plant fleas. These nasty invaders die off if you spray the affected plants with water in which you have grated garlic. Even more, plant fleas hate the smell of parsley, an ideal reason to sow parsley at the foot of rose bushes.

10. All-Purpose Natural Insecticide with Essential Oils

The essential thyme, sage, and lavender oils are very helpful against a wide variety of plant pests. To prepare this natural insecticide, you need 3 drops of thyme essential oil, 3 drops of sage essential oil, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 teaspoon of vodka (or 90-degree alcohol), and 250 ml/ 1 cup of water. Mix the essential oils with the vodka, so that they then disperse evenly in the water. Pour the entire liquid into a spray bottle and spray the affected plants thoroughly.

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Did You Know?

Some birds are amazing helpers in removing garden invaders and pests. Attract them into your garden, by luring them with a mixture of millet and black sunflower seeds. This mix will attract many insectivorous birds, such as goldcrests, European robins, and jays. Make sure they also have a freshwater source, by placing a shallow container with water near the grains placed on a tray, somewhere high up, away from the path of cats.

Read Also: 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Houseplant Pests and Diseases

Why make your own natural insecticide? It’s safe, non-toxic, and very cheap to make. Once you try them for various garden pests, you will love the fact that you no longer depend on toxic pesticides to grow beautiful and bountiful crops. If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make natural insecticide for plants and home, please share this article so more gardeners learn how to control pests without toxic chemicals.

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How to Make Natural Insecticide for Plants – 10 Homemade Recipes for All Invaders - 9Pedia.com

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