Home Health How to Practice Self-Healing – How to Self-Heal in 2 Easy Steps

How to Practice Self-Healing – How to Self-Heal in 2 Easy Steps

by Andreea Laza
How to Practice Self-Healing - How to Self-Heal in 2 Easy Steps - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn how to practice self-healing, and how to self-heal with the power of your mind and intention? Continue reading this article.

Our thoughts and emotions play a much larger role in our health than scientists believed for a long time. Fortunately, modern medicine has made significant strides in understanding this connection. A new field of study, called psychoneuroimmunology, is exploring what happens when the mind heals the body. It examines how the psyche, nervous system, and immune system interact, providing measurable evidence that our thoughts directly impact our organs, glands, and cells.

The good news? Self-healing is possible for everyone—once you learn how. Let’s explore how you can take charge of your own healing process.

How Self-Healing Works

For medical researchers, understanding how the mind works with the body has become a crucial question. Why? Because the same treatment that works wonders for one patient may have no effect on another. So, what makes the difference?

It often boils down to how each individual approaches their illness. There are two main mindsets people adopt when facing a health challenge:

  1. Focusing on their pain and the negative aspects of their illness.
  2. Cultivating a positive outlook and focusing on small, achievable steps toward healing.

The truth is, to overcome illness, we must first activate our inner healing potential by concentrating on the good rather than dwelling on the bad.

German researchers at the Psychosomatic Clinic of Marburg University emphasize this point: “With this innate force, which exists in all of us, up to two-thirds of all illnesses can be improved or even stopped.”

A Spectacular Case of Self-Healing

One of the most remarkable cases of self-healing is that of French doctor Aurelie Basaman, who was diagnosed with cancer and given only three months to live. Her story, widely reported in L’Événement du jeudi, is nothing short of extraordinary. Over 20 years later, Aurelie is thriving and sharing the practices that transformed her life:

“I only do what brings me joy and strength. I spend most of my time in nature, eat a vegetarian diet, and practice Cloue autosuggestion exercises,” she says.

Aurelie’s approach highlights the profound impact of aligning lifestyle choices with well-being and positive emotions. Her journey has inspired countless others to explore their inner healing potential.

How to Use Visualization for Cancer Healing - 9Pedia.com

Perception Makes the Difference in Self-Healing

Science has proven that our perception of illness and recovery has a measurable impact on health, and is one of the most important aspects of self-healing. Consider these compelling findings:

  • The Nocebo Effect: Perceived danger can cause real harm. Nearly half of asthmatics told they were inhaling allergens experienced asthma attacks—even when the air was perfectly clean. Scientists refer to this as the nocebo effect. Similarly, the sudden deaths of Voodoo practitioners can be explained by extreme fear of curses, which disrupts critical functions like breathing and blood pressure.
  • Belief in Recovery Boosts Immunity: Patients who strongly believe in their ability to heal experience a rise in immune cells. In contrast, feelings of helplessness increase stress hormones like ACTH, which suppress antibody production. More so, the number of immune cells in our body, as well as the number of antibodies, rises sharply when therapeutic imagination, such as visualization, is used.
  • Optimism Extends Lifespan: In a 30-year medical study dividing participants into optimists and pessimists, 19% more pessimists died compared to optimists.
  • Resilience vs. Fatalism: Another study revealed that individuals who view life’s challenges as random misfortunes live, on average, 13 years longer than those who see them as repeated fatalistic events. With the power of thoughts, even death can be postponed. A group of cancer patients told that a cutting-edge medication had been discovered, which would almost certainly cure them, survived 38% longer than those not included in the test.

How to Self-Heal in 2 Easy Steps

The mental forces that self-healing relies on can be quite difficult to discipline. Fortunately, there are methods to help us achieve this goal: relaxation (mastery of the body) and concentration (mastery of the mind). These are the two mandatory preparatory steps for effective visualization.

Easy to practice and learn, these techniques will help you discover that self-healing is something you too can achieve because the power lies deep within you. Here is how to practice self-healing at home.

1. Relaxing The Mind

Relaxation is the key to success in practicing self-healing. Only by completely disconnecting ourselves from tension, anxiety, and stress can we reach the depths upon which self-healing depends. There is no better remedy for sick, tired, overstimulated, or nervous individuals than relaxation and the peace of conscious unwinding. Regular relaxation exercises help us forget the physical reality of the body in which we are trapped and induce a beneficial state of inner protection. Here are three relaxation exercises that can help you in your self-healing journey.

General Relaxation Exercise

Lie on your bed with your arms stretched along your body, wearing loose clothing. Your legs should be slightly apart, perhaps elevated on a pillow. If possible, position your head to face north. Choose a room free from noise. Avoid total darkness, as it induces sleep.

A. Focus on your breathing. Allow it to flow naturally: calm and regular. Don’t control it intentionally; let it unfold naturally. This will help quiet your thoughts (don’t be impatient if you don’t achieve this immediately; over time, you will).

B. Focus on relaxing your body. Start with your feet. Feel them grow heavier as the weight travels through your thighs and into your abdomen. Then move to your palms, arms, chest, neck, face, and head. Try to feel your organs—kidneys, liver, lungs—becoming heavy, except for your heart. Linger in this wonderful state of release, allowing your entire body weight to sink down into the earth. Avoid any unwanted movements. Keep your eyes closed but remain awake.

Think of this exercise as training your willpower. You’ll know you’ve done it correctly when you no longer feel your body and it seems to dissolve into a state of weightlessness and peace. Repeat words in your mind: rest, calm, silence.

Practice this relaxation exercise twice a day, morning and evening, at the same time each day. Start with three minutes and gradually work up to half an hour. Success depends more on thorough execution than on duration (5–8 minutes of relaxation twice a day is sufficient).

Profound Relaxation Exercise

The body’s position is the same as in the previous exercise. The stages of relaxation are as follows: relax each part of your body in detail. Start with your palms: right palm – left palm; right thumb – left thumb; right index finger – left index finger, and so on, until your hands are fully relaxed. Then move on: right forearm – left forearm, right arm – left arm, and right shoulder – left shoulder.

Next, the legs: right leg, left leg, focusing on each component (right foot – left foot, right knee – left knee, thighs). Then relax the abdomen, chest, back, neck, and nape. Finally, move to the head, starting with the facial muscles: eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips, tongue, and jaw. Lastly, relax the internal organs and nervous system, imagining it as a network of fine wires.

As always, try to feel this wonderful release that frees you from the sensation of your body.

“Coachman’s Relaxation” Exercise

Inspired by the position in which coachmen rest on their carriage seats while waiting for passengers, this relaxation is the easiest to execute and can be done anywhere, anytime: in the park, on a bench, on the subway, at school, or at work. All you need is a chair to sit on comfortably.

Keep your feet parallel on the floor, a few centimeters apart. Your thighs and calves should form a right angle. “Let your upper body collapse” (the trunk), bending your back slightly and leaning forward. Rest your forearms (from your elbows to your hands) on your thighs, with your palms between your knees. Let your head hang heavily, like a cannonball, downward.

Nothing should obstruct this relaxation—no tight belt or cord, no muscle tension. Without complete muscle relaxation, the exercise won’t achieve its purpose. Recommended before visualization exercises, this can be practiced whenever you feel tired, tense, or exhausted after a party or a night of work. A few minutes are enough for a beneficial refresh.

2. Focusing Your Thoughts and Intentions

Another essential step in achieving proper visualization and practicing self-healing is mastering your thoughts—the ability to concentrate on a single point (in this case, on a diseased organ). Each of the following exercises is designed to strengthen your attention and the ability to fix your mind on a specific image.

  • Draw a simple geometric shape (circle, triangle, square, etc.) in black ink on a white sheet of paper. Focus on it for a few minutes in a relaxed state, breathing calmly. Memorize every detail of the drawing. Then, close your eyes and recreate the observed drawing in your imagination. Try to hold the image in your mind for several minutes. Only after successfully completing this exercise should you move to the next step.
  • Replace flat shapes with three-dimensional ones—cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, etc. Try to keep these shapes in your mind’s eye for as long as possible.
  • Shift your focus to everyday objects—a pencil, a knife, a book, a chair, etc. Follow the same procedure: observe them with maximum attention, then fix them in your imagination for as long as you can.
  • Pay attention to colors (flowers, paintings, etc.). The effect of focusing on colors should strengthen your visualization skills.
  • Try focusing your concentration on living beings, after weeks of consistent practice: start with small creatures—ants, spiders, etc.—then move to larger ones, such as dogs or cats. Carefully observe every detail until the entire animal, with all its physical features, exists before you, even with your eyes closed.
  • The hardest challenge: Try fixing the image of a human face. Pay special attention to every feature. No detail should escape your observation so that the image you fix in your mind is a clear copy like a photograph.
  • Finally, direct your imagination toward lived experiences: circumstances, and events. Follow the unfolding of events as if watching a movie, even if they are dramatic. In the case of illness, recall how it manifested step by step. Try to relive the state you were in when you first found out about the illness, but without letting it overwhelm you. The emotion you experience will motivate you in your fight against the illness, as now you know how to practice self-healing with the power of your imagination.

Focus and intent exercises on mental images are much easier for creative individuals, such as artists, who visualize constantly, whether painting, directing, or writing. Similarly, those with strong religious beliefs, who visualize during prayer, may find this process natural. However, this does not mean that people without artistic talents cannot align their thoughts for healing purposes. Relaxation and concentration techniques can definitely help anyone practice self-healing.

Read Also: How to Use Visualization for Cancer Healing

There are people who instinctively know what benefits them and how to practice self-healing. Some have hobbies that visibly boost their immune system, while others must discover their inner healing powers, often only after falling seriously ill. Regardless of which situation you find yourself in, always remember that true healing starts from within. Once you set your intention to heal and focus on the positive aspects of your challenge, you unlock the potential for recovery. The power of self-healing is in your hands—embrace it, practice it, and transform your well-being.

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How to Practice Self-Healing - How to Self-Heal in 2 Easy Steps

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