Home Mysteries How the Moon Transits Influence Shopping

How the Moon Transits Influence Shopping

by Andreea Laza
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Want to know how the moon transits influence shopping in each zodiac sign? Continue reading and find out.

Did you know that the moon transits influence shopping? Indeed they do. When the moon is in Aries, for instance, it’s not the best time for shopping for clothes, while when the moon transits Leo it’s the best time for expensive cosmetic shopping. Ancient writings depicted the moon as the Goddess of all that is alive. Thousands or maybe millions of years ago, it was noticed that as the Moon transits from one zodiac sign to another has an influence on the events happening on Earth. But little did they know that this will also apply to shopping. Now let’s see how the moon transits influence shopping.

How the Moon Transits Influence Shopping

1. Moon in Aries

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It is good to give up shopping because the clothes and shoes that you buy when the moon is in Aries will deteriorate in a very short time, while the aroma of the perfume you buy will seem very sharp and unpleasant. Even more, if you buy bedsheets and linen, they may cause you problems in terms of sleep, including insomnia. So no, when the moon transits Aries is not the best time to buy clothes, perfumes, and bedsheets.

Taurus Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

2. Moon in Taurus

On the other hand, when the moon transits Taurus is a wonderful time for most purchases, especially for the household. Purchasing furniture now will ensure a long use, it will rarely deteriorate and the pieces that you buy will really add that pleasant look to your home. Even buying perfumes is recommended during the moon transit in Taurus.

Gemini Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

3. Moon in Gemini

This Moon transit favors the effectiveness of advertisements, heightening people’s receptivity to the information heard or seen on TV or displays. And yet when the Moon transits Gemini is recommended to refrain when it comes to purchasing cosmetic products because there is a risk of allergic reactions to them. Jewelry, clothing accessories, and office supplies are not to be bought either. The most successful purchases are sports clothes and shoes.

Cancer Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

4. Moon in Cancer

When the Moon transits Cancer, you may feel an increased attraction towards comfort, sensitivity, and emotionality. It’s a great time for buying furniture, interior decorations, and finishing materials, but not electrical appliances, as they will totally disappoint you during this Moon transit.

Leo Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

5. Moon in Leo

This is a time of uncontrolled emotions, which gives birth to purchasing desires to measure. The best purchases during the Leo Moon transit are expensive cosmetics and perfumes. Elegant clothing, on the other hand, will have a very short life, as they will lose their value quickly and get damaged. The exception is warm sweaters, which you can buy without worry. On the other hand, footwear should not be on your shopping list when the Moon is in Leo.

6. Moon in Virgo

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This Moon transit makes people more thoughtful, more attentive, and more meticulous. They weigh their impressions and intuition and analyze the usefulness and practicality of the product they want to buy. This period is beneficial for buying kitchen furniture and household appliances, as well as elegant suits or attire. It is also a great time for purchasing cosmetic products, remedies for cleaning and toning skin, eye pencils, and remedies for oily skin and hair. It is not a great time to buy underwear, though.

Libra Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

7. Moon in Libra

When the Moon transits Libra, it’s the ideal time to buy all the cosmetic products you want and need. Regarding clothes shopping, this is the best time to buy something special, for special occasions. This transit is also favorable for buying interior decoration items and finishing materials.

Scorpio Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

8. Moon in Scorpio

When the Moon transits Scorpio is one of the worst times for shopping of all sorts, especially interior decoration and hygiene products. The Moon in Scorpio has a negative influence on shopping, so put a hold on your credit card.

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9. Moon in Sagittarius

This Moon transit is ideal for buying office supplies and cosmetics. On the other hand, the shoes and clothes you buy when the Moon transits Sagittarius will displease you very quickly. So think twice before shopping for shoes and clothes during this Moon transit.

Capricorn Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

10. Moon in Capricorn

Lo and behold, the Moon in Capricorn is the most beneficial time for large, expensive purchases, namely: cars, machines, high-quality fabric clothes, and shoes made of natural materials. However, this is not the best time to purchase interior decor items and finishing materials.

Aquarius Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

11. Moon in Aquarius

When the Moon transits Aquarius it’s a very good time to buy household items, electronic devices, and make-up products. However, purchase anti-aging and toning skin products only if you absolutely, really need them, as this Moon transit is not the best time for that.

Pisces Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health - 9Pedia.com

12. Moon in Pisces

This is not the best period for shopping, especially for warm clothes, as they will either not warm you well enough or feel different when you put them on. The most useless thing to buy during this Moon transit is shoes. When it comes to cosmetic products, moisturizing and nourishing creams are the only recommended purchase at this time.

Read Also: How the Moon Transit Affects Your Love Life

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How the Moon Transits Influence Shopping - Lunar Shopping Calendar - Shopping by the Moon - 9Pedia.com

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