Home Alternative Living 4 Natural Ways to Clean The Kitchen Sink

4 Natural Ways to Clean The Kitchen Sink

by Andreea Laza
7 Natural Ways to Clean the kitchen sink - 9Pedia.com

Looking for natural ways to clean the kitchen sink? Continue reading and find the most non-toxic ways to clean your kitchen sink.

The natural ways to clean the kitchen sink we are about to show to you have been used by our grandmothers long before kitchen cleaning products hit the market. They used simple and handy non-toxic ingredients in simple combinations that helped remove grease, limescale, and hard-to-remove dirt. In addition, we also want to share with you a natural kitchen sink cleaner recipe that you can use daily. Now let’s get straight to the natural ways to clean the kitchen sink.

4 Natural Ways to Clean The Kitchen Sink

  • To naturally clean your kitchen sink, rub the surface of the sink with a natural solution made by dissolving 25 g of table salt in 300 ml of water.
  • The yellow stains on the kitchen faucet come off easily if you rub them with hot vinegar mixed with table salt. Rinse immediately and wipe with a soft cloth.
  • Limescale deposits can be removed with a mixture of vinegar and water in equal quantities. Boil for 10 minutes, leave overnight in the sink, and rinse the next day.
  • Remove coffee stains from your kitchen sink by rubbing them with a lemon cut in two.

Natural Kitchen Sink Cleaner Recipe DIY

Cheap and easy to make, this natural kitchen sink cleaner removes grease stains and dirt, smells nice, is not toxic, and has a long-lasting effect. You can use it to clean stainless steel kitchen sinks, but it can also be used to clean wood, tiles, and plastic surfaces/objects. Make your own natural kitchen sink cleaner by following the natural recipe here.


Preparation and Use

Pour the white vinegar into a glass spray bottle, add the water and the essential oil, and give it a good shake. Put a little bit of the cleaner on a soft damp cleaning cloth and rub the area you want to clean. You don’t need to rinse.

Read Also: 7 Natural Ways to Clean Cooking Pots

If you’ve enjoyed learning these natural ways to clean the kitchen sink, please share this article so more people can make their own kitchen sink cleaning products. Avoid toxic chemicals to clean the kitchen sink, as they are harmful to both the environment and yourself. You are part of nature, so use natural cleaning products instead. Please share this article, as this will help this website a lot.

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4 Natural Ways to Clean The Kitchen Sink - 9Pedia.com

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