Home Health How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Your Skin – 15 Herbal Infusions for Skin

How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Your Skin – 15 Herbal Infusions for Skin

by Andreea Laza
How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Your Skin - 15 Herbal Infusions for Skin - 9Pedia.com

If you’re wondering how do you make herbal infusion for your skin, continue reading and discover 15 herbal infusions for skin.

Herbal infusions for skin are a hot trend right now that summer is almost here, and you can gather the herbs yourself. In June, the beneficial power of plants is stronger than ever. And not only against disease but also as natural skincare. Most of the herbs used in natural medicine are food for the face, such as herbal infusions. More effective than synthetic skin lotions, these simple herbal infusions for skin have the advantage of being such simple-to-use yet effective natural skin toners, using just a cup of water and a kettle.

How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Your Skin – 15 Recipes

How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Dry Skin?

Herbs that activate peripheral blood flow, as well as plants with emollient properties, are recommended to make herbal infusions for dry skin. The following plants can be used, as recommended.

  • Marigold flowers activate peripheral blood flow. Steep 4 spoonfuls of marigold flowers into a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Chamomile flowers – Steep 3 spoonfuls of chamomile flowers into a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • St. John’s wort – stimulates dry, wrinkled skin. Steep 2-3 spoonfuls of St. John’s wort into a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Lily flowers – Steep 2-3 spoonfuls of lily flowers into a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, mix in a little raw honey and then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply to your face. Take it off after it has cooled down completely.
  • Butterhead lettuce – Simmer one butterhead salad into 1/2 liter (2 cups) of hot water for 2-3 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
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How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Oily Skin?

To make the perfect herbal infusion for oily with dilated pores, you can use plants that contain tannin, as they have astringent, anti-seborrheic properties, as well as plants with antiseptic and soothing essential oils. These plants are:

  • Chamomile flowers – thanks to the azulene they contain, chamomile flowers have a protective and antiseptic action for oily skin. Steep 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers into a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Coltsfoot flowers – Steep one spoonful of coltsfoot flowers into 100 ml (1/2 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Walnut leaves are strongly astringent. Steep 4 spoonfuls of walnut leaves into one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Peppermint – Steep 25g of peppermint into 2 cups of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Sage has astringent and antiseptic properties. Steep one spoonful of sage into 100 ml (1/2 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Thyme – Steep one spoonful of thyme into 100 ml (1/2 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Dill is used for oily skin with dilated pores. Simmer 20-30 g of fresh dill leaves into a cup of hot water for 2-3 minutes. Set aside to cool down a bit, then strain the decoction and add 20 g of vegetable glycerin, 50 g of alcohol, and the juice from one lemon. Mix and dab the herbal infusion all over your face.
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How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Sensitive Skin?

Herbs that have soothing properties are recommended for irritated, rosacea or stained skin. Here are the best herbs to use to make herbal infusions for sensitive skin.

  • Yarrow flowers – Steep one spoonful of yarrow flowers into 100 ml (1/2 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Chamomile flowers – Steep one and a half spoonfuls of chamomile flowers into 100 ml (1/2 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Dandelion root – Simmer two spoonfuls of dandelion root into a cup of hot water for 30 minutes. Leave to cool a bit, then soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your face. Remove after it has cooled down completely.
  • Parsley leaves calm irritated, and rosacea skin. Soak one bunch of fresh parsley in 2 cups of cold water overnight (8-10 hours). Next day, soak a cheesecloth or a piece of cotton in the room temperature maceration and apply it to your face. Remove after 20-30 minutes.

Bonus: Powerful Herbal Face Mask for All Skin Types

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Make a herbal blend with dried nettles, rosemary, and dandelion (or other herbs from the above list of your choice). Add two handfuls – if the plants are fresh, or three tablespoons – if they are dry (you must first soak them well with water) into a blender, add two spoons of sparkling water and blend them into a paste, like making a pesto. Thicken the herbal mask by mixing it with almond flour or a little bentonite clay.

Apply the mask to the clean face (after using an herbal infusion), put two slices of cucumber over your eyelids and rest for half an hour, with your legs raised on a chair. Wash the herbal mask with warm water and refresh your skin with rose vinegar, which is an amazing facial toner. You can find the recipe on how to make rose vinegar here.

Read Also: How to Steam Face at Home with Herbs – 100% Natural

These herbal infusions for skin are harmless, yet very powerful, have no toxicity compared to skin products, and make a great alternative to expensive facials. Plus, you can easily make them at home, whenever you are in the mood for some natural pampering. If you’ve been wondering how do you make herbal infusion for your skin, now you know, so please share the word. This would help us a great deal.

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How Do You Make Herbal Infusion for Your Skin – 15 Herbal Infusions for Skin - 9Pedia.com

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