Home Food 11 Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home

11 Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home

by Andreea Laza
Pink Lemonade Peach - Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home - 9Pedia.com

Want to know what are the most hydrating drinks and their health benefits? Continue reading and find out.

In the summer, the stress to which we are subjected due to the high temperatures causes a significant loss of water in the body, which can sometimes lead to dehydration. Soda, coffee and some caffeinated teas do not hydrate the body, on the contrary. So, what to do? Drinking a combination of fresh juice and water is the answer. But why mix a fresh cold-pressed juice with water? Well, this makes some of the most hydrating drinks you can enjoy. But before we get to the most hydrating drinks you can make at home, let’s talk a bit about dehydration.

Dehydration Symptoms

  • dry skin
  • dry mucosa
  • cold extremities
  • increased heart rate
  • sunken eyes
  • hypotension
  • decrease in urinary excretion below 400 ml in 24 hours
  • feeling nauseated
  • fainting and/or loss of consciousness
Dehydration Water Drink - Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home - 9Pedia.com

11 Most Hydrating Drinks with Their Recipes

  1. Apple Juice – combine 400 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice and 700 ml of flat or spring water. Harder summer apples are ideal because they are richer in vitamin C and organic acids, which stimulate liver and kidney functions, are a muscle tonic, nervous system tonic, antirheumatic, and antiatherosclerotic, and are recommended for gout and obesity.
  2. Peach Nectar – blend 500 grams of peach pulp cut into squares with 700 ml of spring water. This hydrating juice is indicated for teenagers, children with physical weakness, and convalescents. It has a laxative, purgative and vermifuge effect (eliminates pinworms), and is one of the most hydrating drinks you can make.
  3. Plum Juice – combine 100 ml of fresh plum juice with 400 ml of spring water. This hydrating fresh juice contains phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium, is a nervous stimulant, boosts energy, is a diuretic, and detox, useful in case of spleen inflammation.
  4. Pear Nectar – blend 300 grams of soft pear pulp with 500 ml of spring or flat water. This is one of the most hydrating drinks, very indicated in overwork, anemia, bronchitis, and constipation. The hard granules in the pulp of some pear varieties make it less recommended for those with an irritated digestive tract (colitis) or people suffering from hemorrhoids.
  5. Orange Juice – combine 200 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice with 300 ml of sparkling water. It is energizing, tonic and refreshing, and strengthens connective tissues, the walls of the blood vessels, and fights cellulite.
  6. Grapefruit Juice – mix 100 ml of fresh grapefruit juice with 300 ml of sparkling water. This hydrating drink contains certain bitter principles that recommend for liver and bile detox, but it also reduces fever and fights dyspepsia and capillary fragility.
  7. Carrot Juice – dilute 100-200 ml of fresh carrot juice in 300 ml of water (you can also add 100 ml of fresh apple or orange juice to facilitate absorption). This juice is loaded with vitamin A and is useful in gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis, food poisoning, exfoliative dermatitis, and neoplastic conditions. Improves vision, no matter the age.
  8. Celery Juice – combine 50-100 ml of celery root juice with 300 ml water, and with 100 ml of fresh grapefruit juice for best results. This is one of the most hydrating drinks, helps alleviate some nervous disorders (depression, neuroses), is an adrenal gland tonic, and natural aphrodisiac.
  9. Cucumber Juice – dilute 70 ml of cucumber juice in 300 ml of water, and add a spoonful of fresh lemon juice, to make it more pleasant to taste. Is considered the most powerful lithotriptic remedy (dissolves bladder stones).
  10. Cabbage Juice – mix 100 ml of cabbage juice with 400 ml of flat water. This is one of the most hydrating drinks recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers, bowel inflammation, hemorrhoids, and skin eruptions. If it causes bloating, combine it with 100 ml of freshly-squeezed apple or grapefruit juice.
  11. Natural Lemonade – add 100 ml of fresh lemon juice and 100 g of honey in 1 liter of water. This is the most readily available refreshing, hydrating, easy-to-prepare drink you can make and drink first thing in the morning. It has an endless list of health benefits.
Peach Drink - Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home - 9Pedia.com

4 Secrets to Making The Most Hydrating Drinks

  1. Dilute the freshly made juice with 40-60% of spring/flat or sparkling water, right away. You can adjust the exact ratio to your own taste. If the fresh juice ratio is too high, in some cases they can irritate the stomach lining, which can lead to stomach pain, nausea, and even dizziness.
  2. You can prepare these hydrating drinks in the evening, then pour them into glass bottles and drink them the next day, but ideally drink them on the spot.
  3. Enjoy these hydrating drinks in the first part of the day, with small sips so that your saliva mixes with the juice, for best absorption.
  4. Depending on individual needs, one can drink around 2-3 liters of fresh juice diluted with water. If you tend to sweat a lot, you may need to drink 3-4 liters of liquids on the hot summer days to hydrate properly.

Why Swap Soda Drinks for The Most Hydrating Drinks?

Soda Drink Juice - Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home - 9Pedia.com

Before taking you next sip of soda, you should know that there is a scientifically proven link between the consumption of commercial soft drinks and certain health problems, namely tooth decay, certain allergies, osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity, cancer, and addiction to caffeine and sugar. Here are more reasons to ditch soda drinks in favor of the homemade hydrating drinks.

  • One cup of carbonated drink contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, 30-55 mg of caffeine (Coka-Cola-type drinks), preservatives (phosphates, sulfites, benzoates), artificial food colors, and various synthetic flavors.
  • Soda drinks attack the dental enamel which is depleted of calcium ions and leads to the yellowing of the teeth and cavities.
  • Sodas are very acidic (2 pH). The human mouth has a 7.4 pH, and therefore sodas leave an acid residue in the mouth, reducing the natural alkalinity of the saliva and maintaining the feeling of thirst.
  • This acidity causes inflammation of the stomach and the duodenal walls and after a longer period, can even erode the stomach walls leading to gastritis.
  • According to Harvard Public Health Institute’s professor Grace Wyshak, nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption leads to bone decalcification, especially dangerous for elderly women.
  • American epidemiologist Dale Sandler and her team proved that phosphoric acid in soda drinks doubles the incidence of kidney failure, alters the normal functioning of the kidneys, and increases the risk of stone formation.
  • One or more servings of soda drinks lead to metabolic imbalances that manifest through increased blood pressure, weight gain, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.
  • Large consumption of liquid calories inhibits children’s natural need to rest, and in the long term, favors obesity.

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Indeed, these are the most hydrating drinks, as they contain pure water and vitamins and minerals from fresh fruits and vegetables. When diluting fresh juices, makes them more easier to digest and absorb, they replenish the body with essential nutrients and hydrate deeply. If you’ve enjoyed learning these simple and delicious recipes of the most hydrating drinks, please share this article.

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Top 11 Most Hydrating Drinks and How to Make at Home - 9Pedia.com

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