Home Mysteries 9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know

by Andreea Laza
9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Deva Fortress ROmania - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn some mysterious facts about Romania that you most certainly didn’t know? Well, continue reading this article and see what are the most hidden mysteries about Romania.

“Civilization was born where the Romanian people live today, from where it started spreading to both east and west 13.000 – 15.000 years ago” – WILLIAM SCHILLER (American archeologist)

Could the areal of today’s Romania be the cradle of European civilization? Is Romania actually Agartha, the ancient place of elevated spirituality and knowledge? Are the Carpathian Mountains in Romania actually man-made after the Constellation Draco? Well, we’re not sure what the answers are, but there are some less-known facts about Romania worth knowing. Some of these facts are very controversial and when proven to be true will alter entire human history and evolution. Curious? Let’s get straight to the facts.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania That You Didn’t Know

1. The Oldest Human Remains

The oldest humanoid skeleton ever discovered was found in Oltenia, Danube Valley region in southwest Romania by Romanian historian, archeologist, anthropologist, and ethnographer, Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor. The Romanian archeologist claimed to have discovered human bones, and argued that this hominid engaged in conscious labor and nicknamed him “the fisherman from The Getic Lake”.

Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor
Romanian Archeologist Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor – Source

The human remains he found in the early 1960s dated back 1.900.000 – 2 million years ago, which makes them the oldest human remains ever discovered. He named the hominid Australanthropus olteniensis (oltensis comes from Oltenia) and after his research he concluded that he was bipedal, has the ability to craft tools, and hunted in the swamps of the Getic Lake.

His discovery remains shrouded in mystery, but they once again confirm that The Danube Valley areal was the cradle of civilization for the Pelasgians, Agathyrsi, Dacian, Getae, and Thracians, the predecessors of Romanians and Bulgarians today. The “Cave with Bones”, a system of 12 karstic galleries and chambers where some of the oldest European early modern human (EEMH) remains have been found is another proof of this. This is one of the less known mysterious facts about Romania, you should know.

2. The Oldest European Civilization – Cucuteni

“The Carpathians are located in a place where the European center of the oldest human culture known today is located.”- DANIEL RUZO

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know
Depiction of a Cucutenian settlement – Source

An ancient civilization, 1000 years older than the Sumerian one, was located in the eastern parts of Romania, and that is The Cucuteni civilization, also known as the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture. Indeed, Cucuteni (5500 – 3500 BC) is the oldest attested civilization in Europe, inhabiting the land of today’s Romania several hundred years before the first mentions of the Sumer and Ancient Egypt. They were the predecessors of the Agathyrsian (Agarthian) people, respectively of today’s Romanians.

Cucuteni culture stretched from northeast Transylvania to Moldova and Ukraine. Even more interesting, it was the first civilization in the world to build two-story houses, and build settlements of up to 20,000 homes. The people of Cucuteni left behind pottery unique in Europe, they worked by hand and decorated the objects with spirals, and the characteristic red, black, and white paints. It is similar to the pottery of a Neolithic China civilization, that was attested 1000 years after the Cucuteni culture.

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Artifacts from the Danube Valley Civilizations, the oldest European civilization, which includes the Cucuteni Culture.

The Cucuteni people were the first in the world to extract salt using a heated ceramic vessel filled with saltwater, had gold ornaments, and copper tools, exceptional pottery, they cultivated almost all types of cereals, they were the first to tattoo their skin with totemic signs to represent their social status and has a rich spiritual life. Another curiosity about the oldest civilization in Europe is that they lived in large city-type settlements that they periodically burnt to the ground and recreated.

The large number of goddess statues discovered is a sign of a matriarchal, peaceful society which is also backed by the fact that apart from most cultures of those times, they did not use slavery, indicating the pacifist character of this civilization. These claims are backed by world-renown archeologist, anthropologist, and UCLA professor Marija Gimbutas, one of the leading researchers into the Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of “Old Europe”. She said:

“Romania is the hearth of what I have called Old Europe, a cultural entity between 6,500 and 3,500 BC, focused on a matriarchal, theocratic, peaceful, loving and creative art society, which preceded the Indo-European, patriarchal societies, of warriors from The Bronze and Iron Ages. It has also become apparent that this ancient European civilization precedes the Sumerian one by several millennia. It was a period of real harmony, in full agreement with the creative energies of nature.”

There are many things we don’t know about the Cucuteni civilization, the oldest human civilization in Europe, that hopefully, time will tell.

3. The Oldest Writing in The World

In 1875, the Hungarian archaeologist Zsòfia von Torma discovered in Turdaș, Romania, a lot of female statuettes covered with mysterious signs. The researcher considered them pictograms and suggested that the Neolithic population of Transylvania knew how to write. The discovery of the “Turdaș writing” made the rounds of the world at the time, but then it was quickly “forgotten”.

Almost a century later in 1961, while digging an archeological site belonging to the Turdaș-Vinča culture, Nicolae Vlassa discovered next to some human remains, three tablets inscribed with pictograms. The now-famous Tărtăria Tablets have puzzled the international scientific community of the time. The reason is that these tablets were dated approx. 1000 years before the Sumer writings, and at that time the existence of a European Neolithic writing seemed an absurd idea.

Over the years this idea has been embraced by more and more archaeologists and linguists. Italian archeo-semiologist Marco Melini found that the Tartaria Tablets are not an isolated case. Similar written signs are found on thousands of artifacts discovered in different areas of the Balkans, in archeological sites belonging to the same Neolithic civilization: Parța, Tangiru, Cucuteni (Romania), Duruitoarea Veche (Moldova), Tripoli (Ukraine), Vinča (Serbia), etc. Their number in each area is impressive.

Oldest writing in the world Tartaria Tablets Romania
9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Vadu Rău Tablets - 9Pedia.com

There are more artifacts of this kind discovered throughout Romania, dating before the first Sumer writings, namely the Vadu Rău Tablets (120 burnt clay tablets, engraved with protoliterated symbols from the Neolithic period – dating 5500BC), the mysterious tablets on the bottom of Bicaz Lake, and many others.

4. Bucegi Mountains Mysteries and The Monoatomic Gold

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Bucegi Sphynx - 9Pedia.com
Bucegi Sphynx Megalith

The Bucegi Mountains discoveries couldn’t have been missed from our list of mysterious facts about Romania. Famous for the Romanian Sphinx and Babele megaliths, Bucegi Mountains hide far more secrets than the eyes can see.

According to a book by Radu Cinamar, in 2003 a mixed Romanian-American team led a top-secret mission into the undergrounds of the Bucegi Mountains.

They have found an amphora containing monoatomic gold, a rare form of gold that once ingested can prolong human life for thousands of years

The story goes even further, explaining the three underground tunnels underneath the Bucegi Mountains, one going as far as the Egyptian pyramids and the other one to Irak. But the third tunnel was leading to the center of the Earth. Fact or fiction? If we corroborate this information with other interesting facts about the Carpathian Mountains, we tend to believe there is some truth to it. More proof piles up about the alien underground base in Bucegi Mountains, as time goes by. Such as the one in this video here.

Speaking of which, there was another amazing finding in a mountain range a couple of hundred kilometers away from Bucegi, in Șureanu. Here, in 1990 was discovered a mountain packed with a one-meter-long pure gold lode, which does not exist anywhere else on the planet, because gold is found only in the form of ore combined with other non-metals, not in perfect pure form.

Apparently, Agathyrsians knew the spiritual secret of gold, which is the condensed form of light. Hence the many sophisticated ancient gold objects found on the territory of Romania.

Agathyrsian (/Getae-Dacian) Gold Treasures found in Romania

5. Vampires Are Actual Aliens

One of the oldest myths in Romanian folklore is the vampire myth. Romanian peasants in the countryside still have old beliefs about vampires, also referred to as “strigoi”, “moroi” or even “draci” evil beings who would steal cattle and suck their blood out at night. In the Romanian language, the word drac, has no direct translation in any other language and means imaginary male being, that embodies an evil spirit, similar to a devil, demon, or satan.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Vampires Are Actual Aliens - 9Pedia.com (500 x 750 px) (500 x 650 px)
Romanian Voievode Vlad The Impaler also known as Vlad Dracul

But there’s more. The Romanian idiom “drac împelițat” refers to someone really mean, or evil, but literally means a nacked, hairless evil being (drac) with only the skin on, while the common curse “să te ia dracul“, still used to this day means “may the drac take you away” (kidnap you). Famous Romanian voivode Vlad the Impaler, most of you know as Dracula, was also known as Vlad Dracul (Vlad the Drac/Draco) and was known for his cruel habits of impaling his victims.

But is the vampire/drac just a myth?

According to the mysterious Book of Alien Races published after an anonymous writer stumbled upon top-secret alien information from a retired USSR diplomat, we’ve been visited by alien races for centuries. In this book, he enumerated the known alien races, their characteristics, and where they were spotted. Curiously, the book mentions an alien race on the name of HAV-HANNUAE-KONDRAS, and I quote:

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - HAV-HANNUAE-KONDRAS - 9Pedia.com
HAV-HANNUAE-KONDRAS alien depiction

“They come from Galaxy SEXTANS DWARF SPH. First visited Earth in 934 A.D in that is now modern Romania. They often abduct and kill humans. They drain and drink the blood of humans, as well as the blood of animals. They are behind many abductions (animals and human). They are “responsible” for the myth of “vampires” ! Several Governments know and accept their action! The human bodies that they abduct and use are never returned! Last seen on Earth in Scotland in 1996.“

Other controversial researchers claim that the Carpathian Mountains are actually an artificial construction the shape of the dragon, built many centuries ago by aliens coming from the Draco Constellation.

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The Carpathian Mountains and The Draco Constellation similarity – Source

Curiously, in the science-fiction by Barry B. Longyear, Dracs are an alien species similar to reptilians. There are many other coincidences relating dracos/vampires to these lands. For instance, one of the army wings of Romanian ancestors (Agathyrsians), the Dacians were known for their dreadful howling battle flag known as the Dacian Draco. Even more, according to a private reading from Bashar, which is an alien consciousness from Essasani civilization, channeled by Daryl Anka, Bucegi mountains hide an alien underground base. The question is: Are vampires and/or dracos just a myth or actual aliens from other galaxies? We hope we will find out soon.

6. The Giants

Romanian folklore is filled with legends of very tall beings, also referred to as “uriași/urieși” and “căpcăuni“. Some even had names such as Sfarmă-Piatră or Strâmbă-Lemne, literally meaning stone-crushed and wood-bender. They were generally presented as creatures with eyes the size of pumpkins and teeth as big as the fangs of the plow, that made the earth tremble under their footsteps.

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Are giants just folk myths or were they real?

From 1940 to 1950, in Argedava (Giurgiu county), the first seat of Agathyrs king Burebista before unifying the Agathyrsian tribes, a mixed team of archaeologists and locals discovered no less than 80 skeletons belonging to humanoids that measured 4 to 5 meters in height. One of the locals who participated in the excavations, Florea Ioniță, said that he dug up an unusually large skull, much larger than a human skull, and when he told the archaeologists, their team leader, Dinu V. Rosetti, sent all the locals home. Florea Ioniță said:

“They were the only ones left digging, with their men. The bones were loaded into a truck and taken elsewhere, no one knows where.”

Legends about giants are also popular in the Buzău Mountains. Here, in the oldest village of the Bozioru commune, Scăieni, people discovered humanoid skeletons measuring over 2.4 meters in height. In ancient times, long before the village was first attested, the locals told stories about giants, also referred to as “tartars”, who inhabited the area.

The legend of the Tartars is also supported by Herodotus, who spoke of them as a noble and glorious tribe. Also called “Teutars” or “Titans,” according to Homer, these giants were “favored by the gods” because “they surpassed all men in height, strength, and beauty”.

Tales of giants are also popular in other parts of Romania.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Deva Fortress ROmania - 9Pedia.com
Deva Fortress, Romania

Especially Hațeg, where the legend speaks of two girls of giant descent who built two fortresses, one of them the fortress of Deva, and the other a fortress on the top of Mount Retezat.

As the fortress on top of Mount Retezat was much more beautiful, the other girl got angry and threw an iron plow, destroying the fortress of her “rival”, by cutting off the top of the mountain. This legend explains where the name of the Moun Retezat comes from, “retezat” meaning cut-off in Romanian.

Curiously, Romania has 4 people on the list of the tallest in the world, one of which is the tallest boxer in the world, Gogea Mitu, measuring 2,42cm (7 ft 11 in).

Giant skeletons were also discovered at Polovragi, Cetăţeni (2005), in Pantelimon-Lebad (1989), and Roșia Montană, where, in 2012, the tallest giant skeleton ever found in Romania was undug, measuring 10 meters in height. In all of these cases, the research was stopped and obscured from the public eye. Why? We don’t know for sure. But the giant skeletons is one of the top-secret mysterious facts about Romania, you surely didn’t know about.

7. Romanian Pyramids & Unique Rock Formations

According to historian and researcher Valentin Tîrcă, the mountain behind the city of Râșnov is actually a man-made pyramid.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Valentin Tîrcă

His theory goes even further saying that the entire Carpathian Mountains, just like all mountains around the world, are artificial constructs made by extraterrestrial civilizations that have had connections with the locals. For instance, he claims that the Carpathian Mountains are a direct representation of the Draco constellation (see picture at number 5), because they have been made by extraterrestrials coming from the Draco constellation.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Unique Rock Formations
Mysterious megaliths and rock formations in Romania

In addition to the mysterious pyramids, Romania is also rich in unique mountain formations, some of which are even believed to move on their own, grow and transform. These are called trovants, and are very old rock formations mostly found in Costești, Vâlcea country, where there is also an open-air museum dedicated to them. But trovants are found scattered all over Romania, not just in Vâlcea.

Other unusual rock formations, believed to have mystic power and use, are the Romanian Sphinx and Babele megaliths, both located in Bucegi Mountains, Grădina Zmeilor (Zmei’s Garden) in Sălaj county, Devil’s Rock, and many more others.

Besides the unique and unexplainable rock formations, people have also witnessed in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania unique manifestations, such as the holographic pyramid in Ceahlău Mountains that you can see in the video below. This holographic pyramid is one of the most mysterious facts about Romania.

8. Sarmizegetusa – The Romanian Stonehenge

Sarmizegetusa was the most important spiritual center of Agathyrsians/Dacians, the ancestors of Romanians today. According to historians, the first mentioning of the Dacian fortress dates from 1575, when the scholar Gáspár Heltai mentioned it among the ancient settlements in Transylvania, stating that “not far from Orăștie there is a beautiful town in the mountains, will all its foundations still intact. The enclosure was made of carved stone.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Sarmizegetusa Romania - 9Pedia.com

According to historians, at the end of the 1st century, Sarmizegetusa was one of the largest iron processing centers in Europe. The fortifications are not only disparate fortresses located on the tops of the mountains but a compact ensemble, a mountain civilian settlement, with several nuclei, spread over an area of 200 square kilometers. Most of the remains are still covered by earth. The whole area is covered by a spider web of ancient roads built very interestingly, with an ancient and effective drainage system so that the rainwater would flow to the right and to the left, but not on the road.

Besides the vestiges on the surface, underground enclosures were also found. In the area called Vartoape, about 4 square kilometers there are 75 conical pits of different sizes, some with diameters up to 70 meters. There have been detected many parallelepiped man-made enclosures that communicate with each other like the rooms of a house. Very many gold-made objects were found on this site, many of which ended up on the black market, such as the gold Dacian bracelets.

Above ground, the stone vestiges remind of Stonehenge, and apparently, they served a similar purpose. That is a place of divination, but also a center dedicated to the study of the stars, time, and other philosophical and spiritual matters. Even more, the special stones arranged in a spiral or circle could have served a totally different purpose.

9 Mysterious Facts about Romania You Didn’t Know - Sarmizegetusa Romania - 9Pedia.com
Sarmizegetusa detail

Some argue that they served as “musical instruments“, that when hit in a specific order would emit a chord, tone, or harmony that would allow people to be immersed in that vibration and put in a state of being to telempathically (empathic and telepathic) relate with the stone structure and the idea of stone consciousness. That is, they could connect with nature, communicate with nature and build higher vibrational capabilities. True or not? This unique site is one of the top mysterious facts about Romania.

9. The Hall of Records

Last but not least, this is one of the most mysterious facts about Romania, if not the most obscure, that even most Romanians don’t know about. In the same book mentioned earlier by Radu Cinamar, the 2003 mixed Romanian-American team that led a top-secret mission into the undergrounds of the Bucegi Mountains, did not only discover the monoatomic gold and huge underground tunnels but something even more important for humankind.

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What they have found can change the entire human history as we know it. That is, they stumbled upon a holographic hall of records that uses ancient holographic technology that would show images and clips from different points in our history and evolution. That is, the true history of humankind, not the history told by the conquerors. The author says:

The Hall of Projections has a series of gigantic stone tables, arranged along the wall on the right, following its curvature. Similarly, there is another row along the left wall. None of the tables were less than two meters high. On the thickness of the plate above are precisely embossed, different signs from an unseen writing that resemble the cuneiform characters of antiquity. ….

When approaching any of the tables, a holographic projection is activated simultaneously on its surface, which presents aspects from a certain scientific field. The three-dimensional images are perfect and very large, with a height of almost two and a half meters. On the rectangular surface of the polished stone tables there is a narrow slit, a few tens of centimeters long, parallel to the lenght of the table from which the holographic projections appear.

According to the author, some holograms depict the structure of the human body, others show images of plants and animals, some completely unknown, while other show projections of other beings from other different stars. When simultaneously activating two different tables, complex scientific analysis is presented, showing the DNA of the respective beings and the possibilities of compatibility between them.

After this breakthrough discovery, the Romanian representatives wanted to go on full disclosure about these groundbreaking discoveries, but the American team put a lot of pressure on the Romanian authorities to keep everything secret, to “prevent” a worldwide panic. But the real reason, as the author says was that the Americans knew that this disclosure would instantly shatter their global influence, and perhaps wreak havoc on their country’s economical monopoly. And this, my friend, is one of the most mysterious facts about Romania, I bet you didn’t know. If you’re curious about Radu Cinamar’s book, you can find it below.

Mysterious Facts about Romania – Conclusion

There are very many other mysterious facts about Romania that we couldn’t include in this list because we’d had to write a book instead. If we made you curious about these obscure facts, learn more about Romania by reading this article here. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it on social media.

9 Mysterious Facts You Didn't Know about Romania

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