Home Cool Stuff ZODIAC: Aquarius Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals

ZODIAC: Aquarius Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals

by Andreea Laza
ZODIAC: Aquarius Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn more about Aquarius health problems, the ideal diet for Aquarius, herbal remedies for Libra, and healing crystals for Libra? Continue reading and find out.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and those born under this sign are known for their independent and innovative nature. Aquarians are forward-thinking and unconventional, and they are often driven by a desire to create positive change in the world. While Aquarians tend to be healthy and resilient, there are certain health concerns and diet and lifestyle considerations that are specific to this sign. In this article, we will explore the Aquarius health problems, diet, herbs, and crystals that can be helpful for Aquarians.

Aquarius Health Characteristics

Aquarius is the last of the air signs and the last of the signs in human form. As such, those born under this sign are often gifted with physical beauty. But, most of the time, their beauty is subtle, ethereal – airy – not sensual, unlike the earth signs. Some believe that the “pure type” of Aquarius has angelic features. Being a fixed sign, Aquarius has an organized nature, which allows them to expend relatively little energy to keep their life in order. However, they have moments when they enter a real state of frenzy when they are passionate about a project or an idea and then forget to eat and sleep because they live exclusively in their heads.

The energy of Aquarius is more nervous than physical, and success is due to their efficiency and perseverance, and not to any special physical strength. Before we move on to the main Aquarius health problems, here are the characteristics for each Aquarius decan.

  • Aquarius First Decan (January 21 – 29) – Refined, communicative, and has beautiful body and facial features.
  • Aquarius Second Decan (January 30 – February 8) – These Aquarians are usually tall and red-haired and can have a life full of suffering.
  • Aquarius Third Decan (February 9–18) – Endowed with a short and attractive body, these Aquarians will have a congested complexion and will be excessively attracted to the opposite sex.
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Aquarius Health Problems & Predispositions

Aquarius is governed by Uranus, the god of the Sky, which symbolizes the world of thoughts and ideas. This is why Aquarius is considered to be the ruler of the central nervous system, in general. Hair is also associated with Uranus. Just like the original and often rebellious Aquarius, so is his hair. Apparently, the hair of an Aquarius has a personality of its own, which gracefully ignores the efforts of the comb, the brush, and sometimes even the strongest hair gel. The lower legs are also governed by the Aquarius, and one of the common Aquarius health problems is restless legs syndrome. Headaches can also be frequent.

Aquarius governs the legs (lower leg and ankle), nervous system, head and bones.

ZODIAC: Aquarius Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Most Frequent Aquarius Health Problems

Aquarians are generally healthy and resilient, but there are a few health concerns that are specific to this sign. The most common Aquarius health problems include:

  • Anxiety & stress: The Aquarian mind is in perpetual turmoil. The notion of “freeing your mind of thoughts” seems nonsense to any self-respecting Aquarian. This can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, which can impact overall health and well-being. In time, overthinking can weaken their nervous system and lead to Parkinson’s disease, or various forms of neuroses.
  • Headaches: Aquarians are prone to headaches, especially tension headaches. These can be caused by stress and tension, as well as poor posture and eyestrain.
  • Lower legs problems: Many Aquarians have poor blood circulation, especially in the calves, which can cause premature varicose veins or vascular fragility. But even Aquarians who practice sports can be tormented by tingling in the calves, numbness, or a feeling of tension, symptoms that can be found under the name “restless legs syndrome”. Because of this, they can even wake up in the middle of the night, and the typical Aquarius usually has a hard time falling back asleep once they’ve been woken up.
  • Skin & bones: This nervous sensitivity can also affect their skin leading to allergic reactions that are actually caused by nervous imbalances. Saturn, the old ruler of Aquarius, endows these natives with a strong but not very flexible bone system. This is why oftentimes they can have calcium deposits, often generating mounts or other sclerotic processes.

The most common Aquarius health problems are related to their lower legs, but also include headache, depression, bacterial infections, and hernias.

Aquarius Mental Health

The mental hyperactivity of Aquarius, especially associated with working at night, can cause a number of problems such as insomnia. But they don’t stop there. They can also suffer from initially minor inconveniences such as muscle spasms or cramps, which in fact, indicate a point to the degradation of the central nervous system. Aquarians who will avoid sedentary lifestyles, will take long walks in the open air, will go dancing lessons, will skate or ski (two other sports recommended for this zodiac sign), will be able to benefit from a brilliant intellect even at very old age. Those who fall prey to sedentarism have much less chance to enjoy a wise old age.

The Best Diet for Aquarius

Aquarians tend to be health-conscious and may benefit from a diet that is rich in whole, natural foods. Some tips for maintaining a healthy diet as an Aquarius include:

  • Vegetables and dried fruits – They go best with foods that can be stored for a long time, such as apples, dates, figs, raisins, turnips, cabbage, and cauliflower.
  • Fruits Because fruit trees are associated with the sign of Aquarius, all fruits are good for Aquarius.
  • Parsley, preferably raw, generously added to salads or soups contains elements that take care of Aquarians’ skin and ensure the quality of their hair. Raw parsley is also an amazing digestive, diuretic, and circulatory stimulant, while parsley juice is one of the most suitable remedies for eye ailments.
  • Cloves are a spice commonly associated with the sign of Aquarius.
  • Stay hydrated – Aquarians may be prone to dehydration, so it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Best Healing Herbs for Aquarius

  • Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) – it is a perennial plant that helps reduce inflammation in the body, but it is not indicated for people suffering from diabetes or tachycardia (should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding).
  • Cypress spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) – is another plant that can help Aquarians (and not only) to remove freckles, warts, or age spots. The tincture can be useful in treating various forms of foot mycosis.
  • Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) – Elderflower tea and even elderflower cordial are recommended for Aquarius, due to their anti-rheumatic, diuretic, and anti-neuralgic properties.
  • Common Ivy (Hedera helix) – is primarily useful as an ingredient in massage creams that stimulate venous circulation. In traditional medicine, ivy is a common remedy against swelling, sprains, and even fractures. Headaches were treated with compresses soaked in ivy leaf juice and sauerkraut. The connection between ivy and Aquarius also emerges from the fact that, in the countryside, girls washed their hair with ivy decoction, to stimulate hair growth.
  • Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)– common comfrey ointment can help Aquarius get rid of the unwanted effects of their nervous skin allergies.
Boiron Scrophularia Nodosa 6C Md 80 Pellets...
Somarac - Fresh Seeds - Euphorbia cyparissias...
Good Nature Organic Elderflower Tea, 1.07...
Common Ivy Cream (2 oz, ZIN: 514402) - 3 Pack
Dr. Christopher's Comfrey Ointment, 2 Ounce,...
Boiron Scrophularia Nodosa 6C Md 80 Pellets...
Somarac - Fresh Seeds - Euphorbia cyparissias...
Good Nature Organic Elderflower Tea, 1.07...
Common Ivy Cream (2 oz, ZIN: 514402) - 3 Pack
Dr. Christopher's Comfrey Ointment, 2 Ounce,...
Boiron Scrophularia Nodosa 6C Md 80 Pellets...
Boiron Scrophularia Nodosa 6C Md 80 Pellets...
Somarac - Fresh Seeds - Euphorbia cyparissias...
Somarac - Fresh Seeds - Euphorbia cyparissias...
Good Nature Organic Elderflower Tea, 1.07...
Good Nature Organic Elderflower Tea, 1.07...
Common Ivy Cream (2 oz, ZIN: 514402) - 3 Pack
Common Ivy Cream (2 oz, ZIN: 514402) - 3 Pack
Dr. Christopher's Comfrey Ointment, 2 Ounce,...
Dr. Christopher's Comfrey Ointment, 2 Ounce,...

Homeopathy for Aquarius

Homeopathic remedies in affinity with Saturn, which can be recommended to Aquarians, are:

  • Silica, Plumbum, Causticum, Baryta Carbonica, Honium, Calcareea Fluorica, Ferrum picricum and Benzoic acid.

Homeopathic remedies in affinity with Uranus, which can relieve a number of ailments specific to the planet, are:

  • Uranium, Radium bromatum, Acteea racemosa, Staphysagria, Conduramgo, Rhododendron, and Baptisia.

Aquarius Aromatherapy

When it comes to aromatherapy, the eccentric Aquarius likes the extremes. On the one hand, these natives like the broad and penetrating smell of cloves, on the other hand, they like the extremely subtle scent of orchids. The essential oil of cloves helps them to concentrate, while that of orchids calms them down. Another distinct floral fragrance recommended in aromatherapy for Aquarius is basil.

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Orchid Essential Oil 100% Pure Oganic Plant...
Basil Essential Oil - Pure Essential Oils for...
Artizen 30ml Oils - Clove Essential Oil - 1...
Orchid Essential Oil 100% Pure Oganic Plant...
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Artizen 30ml Oils - Clove Essential Oil - 1...
Artizen 30ml Oils - Clove Essential Oil - 1...
Orchid Essential Oil 100% Pure Oganic Plant...
Orchid Essential Oil 100% Pure Oganic Plant...
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Healing Crystals for Aquarius

The healing crystals assigned to Aquarius by ancient Egyptians and Greeks were chrysoprase and aquamarine. The Byzantines instead attributed topaz and sapphire to these natives, while the Jews still believe that the most suitable healing stone for an Aquarius is amethyst. Use the piece of amethyst in direct contact with your skin to benefit from its healing energy.

Read Also: What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health?

In conclusion, Aquarians tend to be healthy and resilient, but there are certain health concerns and diet and lifestyle considerations that are specific to this sign. Incorporating herbs and natural foods into the diet can help prevent many Aquarius health problems. If you’ve enjoyed learning about the most common Aquarius health problems and how to alleviate them with herbs, diet, and crystals, share this article so more Aquariuses can use this information.

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ZODIAC Aquarius Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals

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