Home Natural Beauty 6 Fall Skin Masks for All Skin Types

6 Fall Skin Masks for All Skin Types

by Andreea Laza
6 Fall Skin Masks for All Skin Types - 9Pedia.com

Looking for fall skin masks for all skin types that are actually natural and safe? Continue reading and find out.

Apples, grapes, peaches, and pumpkins are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals for our bodies but also for our skin. As you will see, most fruit masks contain natural yogurt for its nourishing and calming properties on the skin. Learn how to use autumn produce to make natural fall skin masks for all skin types right now. Let’s go.

6 Amazing Fall Skin Masks – 100% Natural

1. Peach Skin Mask for All Skin Types

Peel two very well-ripened peaches, cut them into small bits, and then mash them in a small glass or porcelain bowl (never use a metal bowl). Combine the peach mash with 2-3 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Spread the skin mask on your face, neck, and décolleté, and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. This is one of the most amazing fall skin masks for all skin types.

2. Apple Juice Skin Mask for Oily Skin

Peel some apples and grate them using a glass or plastic grater, or mash them using a wooden utensil (don’t use metal). Squeeze the apple juice through cheesecloth and mix the juice with a spoonful of yogurt. Spread the natural skin mask on your cheeks, neck, and breasts to invigorate your skin. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

3. Melon and Vinegar Skin Mask for Oily Skin

Remove the seeds from a melon and take two or three tablespoons of the juicy core of the melon. Crush the melon pulp with a fork and combine it with 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (non-industrial, from a natural source). Leave aside for an hour, then strain the liquid through cheesecloth and immediately spread the liquid on your face. It will dry on your face naturally, then leave it on overnight, and only wash it off in the next morning. This is one of the most effective fall skin masks for oily skin.

4. Pumpkin Skin Mask for Dry Skin

Boil four tablespoons of pumpkin (cut into small pieces) on a low flame with a cup of sour cream, until the pumpkin flesh softens. Remove from the heat, and add a spoonful of wheat bran. Mix quickly and apply the skin mask to the face while is still (almost) hot, but you can bear the heat. Leave the warm mask on your face for 25 minutes, then wash it off.

5. Grapes Mask for Dry Skin

Grapes are a key ingredient for fall skin masks, as they are very nourishing and hydrating for the skin. For this fall skin mask mix two tablespoons of yogurt with grape must or fresh grape juice until you have a soft paste. Spread it on your skin, allow it to act for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and then to a final rinse with cold water.

6 Natural Skin Care Recipes with Grapes - 9Pedia.com

6. Apple & Honey Skin Mask for Aging Skin

Grate an apple with its skin on, and mix it well with two teaspoons of raw honey, until the pulp of the fruit is completely incorporated. Spread apple and honey skin mask on your face and let it act for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. This is one of the most delicious fall skin masks for aging skin.

Good to Know – Fall Skin Masks

  1. Before applying a fall skin mask, thoroughly clean your face, neck, and décolleté. Instead of a conventional make-up remover, you can use fresh cream, then apply a towel soaked in hot water and rinsed, so that the skin pores open up. Now, your skin will enjoy the full effect of the fall skin masks. Ideally, apply the skin masks in the evening, before going to bed, so that the active substances can work overnight as well.
  2. Spread the masks on your face, neck, and décolletage, but avoid the eye area and lips. Spread the mask on your neck in an upward motion, to activate the lymph in the area. Plus, this movement strengthens the neck tissue and prevents the formation of a double chin.
  3. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. For maximum effect, lie on your back or sit in an armchair, or, even better, enjoy a relaxing bath at the same time. The warm steam moistens the air and your skin will feel wonderful.
  4. Remove the fall skin masks with warm water, and for the final rinse use cold water or a cotton pad moistened with mineral water.

Read Also: 6 Natural Skin Care Recipes with Grapes

If you’ve enjoyed these six fall skin masks for all skin types for the colder season, please share this article so more people can use this simple information. Let us know in the comments below what is your favorite skin mask for the fall season. Stay beautiful, naturally!

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6 Fall Skin Masks for All Skin Types - 9Pedia.com

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