Home Natural Beauty 3 Most Popular Medieval Venetian Skin Care Recipes

3 Most Popular Medieval Venetian Skin Care Recipes

by Andreea Laza
Most Popular Medieval Venetian Skin Care Recipes - 9Pedia.com

Want to discover the most popular medieval Venetian skin care recipes? Continue reading this article and find out.

Pale skin, blushing cheeks, bright eyes, and blonde locks the color of dark gold, this is how the Venetians once roamed the medieval streets of Venice, Italy. People stooped by and turned their heads to see the beautiful Venetians pass by, at a time when the makeup industry we have today was practically non-existent. But their beauty secrets have been passed on, and here we want to share with you the most popular medieval Venetian skin care recipes. Let’s get to it.

3 Medieval Venetian Skin Care Recipes

1. Medieval Venetian Skin Lotion Recipe

To prepare this 100% natural Venitian skin lotion recipe, you need a cup of spring water, half a cup of apple blossom, cherry blossom, or apricot blossom flower essence (not fragrance or perfume!), and 5 drops of rose oil. Pour the spring water into a glass or porcelain bowl, add the blossom flower essence of your choice, and rose oil, and stir well using a wooden tool. You can preserve this Venetian skin lotion in a spray glass bottle and apply it to your face after previously washing the face. It’s incredibly good if you use it right after getting out of the shower and your skin pores are still open.

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2. Medieval Venetian Skin Mask Recipe

Combine 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 1/4 cup of dry bean pod powder. Pour some high-quality white wine over the mix and stir to combine well. Whisk an egg and add it to the composition, as well as a spoonful of honey, and a spoonful of milk. Combine it into a thin paste and apply the Venetian skin mask to your face in the morning. Ideally, leave the mask on during the whole day, if not, for at least 30 minutes. This is one of the Venetian women’s best-kept beauty secrets and one of the top 3 most popular Venetian skin care recipes.

3. Veronica Franco’s Skin Mask Recipe

The beautiful Venetian courtesan Veronica Franco has remained in history both for her power of seduction and for her literary writings. One of her portraits, made by the Renaissance painter Tintoretto, shows a splendid woman, with a milk-white face and rich copper-red hair. It is said that she used a special skin mask to take care of her skin and cleavage, which gave her skin suppleness and a porcelain look. Here is her secret skin mask recipe.

Whisk 4-5 quail eggs really well and mix them with a tbsp of honey, and a tbsp of white wine. Then gradually add in one tsp of white flour, while mixing, until you have a batter-like consistency. Apply the mask to your face, neck, and décolletage areas for half an hour, and then rinse it off with warm water. Simple as that, this is one of the most popular Venetian skin care recipes of those times.

Most Popular Medieval Venetian Skin Care Recipes - 9Pedia.com

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Famous in Europe during the Renaissance period, the Venetians became legendary, along with their beauty secrets. By the 1500s, beauty tips and rituals began to be collected in books written mainly by women of remarkable erudition, from noble families, namely Isabella Cortese, Caterina Sforza, Lucrezia Marinella, and Veronica Franco. Enormously popular at the time, but also hundreds of years later, the beauty secrets of the gorgeous Venetian women have been passed down from generation to generation, until today. If you’ve enjoyed discovering the most popular medieval Venetian skin care recipes, please share this article.

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