Home Natural Beauty 3 Natural Summer Skin Care Recipes for Oily Skin

3 Natural Summer Skin Care Recipes for Oily Skin

by Andreea Laza
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Looking for natural summer skin care recipes for oily skin? You’re on the right side of the internet.

At the end of summer, the orchards are full of fruit, while the meadows are filled with flowers and the forest of fragrant herbs. This is the best time to pick and harvest herbs, fruits, and natural ingredients to make natural summer skin care recipes for oily skin. The alchemical combinations of herbs, fruits, and flowers we are going to present to you in this article are created to protect your oily skin from the harsh summer sun and natural elements. Let’s get straight to the natural summer skin care recipes. But first.

How to Know You Have Oily Skin

Oily skin is very easy to recognize by its specific greasy shine and large visible pores. In the hot summertime, oily skin is prone to blackheads and acne. The easiest way to find out if you have oily skin or not is by doing the following test: press a thin piece of paper on your face. If it has traces of grease, it means that you have oily skin. If this is the case, below are some of the best summer skin care recipes for oily skin.

3 Natural Summer Skin Care Recipes for Oily Skin

1. Sage Infusion for Oily Skin 

The warm sage infusion has an astringent effect, it helps close the pores, degreases the skin slightly, and also has disinfectant properties. To prepare the sage infusion for cosmetic purposes, soak 2-3 teaspoons of the dried sage in half a cup of water (room temperature) for 8-10 hours or overnight. Strain and set aside. Put the used sage in another half cup of boiling water and steep for one minute. Strain and allow the hot infusion to cool down. Finally, mix the two sage extracts and your combined infusion is ready.

Soak a cotton pad in the warm sage combined infusion and wash your face with it every morning and evening. Or, use it to make compresses that you apply on your cheeks, forehead, and nose, 2-3 times a week. Remove the sage compresses after 10-15 minutes, and allow the skin to dry naturally.

2. Summer Apple Juice for Oily Skin

The apples that ripe at the end of June and the beginning of July are low in sugars and very rich in organic acids. Make fresh juice from summer apples and use it to massage your face, as this juice invigorates the skin, removes excess oil, and clears heavy, oily skin. Lightly rub it on your face twice a week for best results.

3. Natural Face Mask for Oily Skin with Wheat

Finely grind two tablespoons of wheat bran using an electric coffee grinder. Combine the powdered wheat well with two beaten egg whites to form a paste. Apply this natural mask on your cheeks and face. After 15 minutes remove it gently with a pad soaked in warm sage infusion. Do this at least once a week to protect and nourish your oily complexion.

Natural Skin Care for Combination Skin

Combination skin is a mix of oily and dry skin. Usually, the areas around the nose, chin, and forehead are oily, while the cheeks and especially the skin around the eyes are dry. If you have combination skin, the natural summer skin care that we recommend is a bit different. On your nose, chin, and forehead use the natural skin mask with wheat, sage infusion, and apple juice presented above. And for your cheeks and around the eyes use linden flower infusion, strawberry mask, and comfrey root and calendula salve (see instructions here).

Read Also: 4 Natural Summer Skin Care Recipes for Dry Skin

If you’ve enjoyed discovering these simple natural skin care recipes for oily skin that you can use during summer time, but not only, please share this article. This way, more people can reach use and make their own natural skin care recipes for oily skin without toxic beauty products. Stay gorgeous, naturally!

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3 Natural Summer Skin Care Recipes for Oily Skin - Summer Skin Care - Oily Skin Care - 9Pedia.com

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