Home Cool Stuff ZODIAC: Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals for July 2024

ZODIAC: Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals for July 2024

by Andreea Laza
ZODIAC: Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn more about Taurus health problems, the ideal diet for Taurus, herbal remedies for Taurus, and healing crystals for Taurus? Continue reading and find out.

Taurus health problems are directly linked to overindulging in life’s fine pleasures, especially sweets, but also with the throat chakra, which is oftentimes imbalanced in these natives. Once they find their voice and find the courage within to speak their truth, with care for others and for their peace of mind, a Taurus may never have serious health problems throughout his life. But let’s take a closer look at Taurus health problems, and simple ways to prevent any health issues through diet, herbs, and crystals.

Taurus Health Characteristics

Taurus Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

Compared to the previous zodiac sign, Taurus seems rather soft and lazy, due to the fact that his movements are slow. On the other hand, Taurus natives are constant, once they get into the rhythm, they rarely take any break. Taurus can continue to work at his own pace (for some excruciatingly slow) long after other seemingly more lively zodiac signs have exhausted their energy. Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus is lucky to suffer from very few and relatively mild health problems. What can affect Taurus’s health is their passion for everything that looks good and is tasty, in which case they can end up suffering from a lot of ailments caused by overindulging.

  • Taurus First Decan (April 21–30) – small in stature, with large eyes, thick lips, and a mark on the neck; has a noble heart, usually has many friends, and enjoys all sensory pleasures.
  • Taurus Second Decan (May 1–10) – round head, large stomach beautiful eyes; has a generous soul, and is intelligent.
  • Taurus Third Decan (May 11–21) – beautiful physique; may suffer as a result of overwork and can have difficulties in love relationships.
ZODIAC: Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Taurus Health Problems & Predispositions

If you have your ascendent or Moon sign in Taurus, consider yourself amongst the lucky ones. The energy you receive acts as a stabilizing element, which can reduce or even counteract the existing health risk factors. Especially the Moon energy which provides protection against potential endocrine dysfunctions, for example. The only health aspect that can affect Taurus natives is their huge appetite for sweets, which if left unchecked can lead to weight gain. And usually, a Taurus’ gains (including a few pounds), are rarely lost.

Consequently, Taurus should not wait to gain weight in order to go on a diet (usually with questionable results) but would do well to prevent gaining weight through a healthy diet. Especially because most of the conditions Taurus suffers from are digestive problems caused by food excesses.

Taurus governs the neck and throat, hence this sign may suffer from conditions affecting the neck and throat, including gout and swollen lymph nodes in the area.

Taurus is synonymous with fertility, consequently, the reproductive system works flawlessly, especially for Taurus women. Venus makes sure that Taurus hormones are well-balanced, which is another one of their strengths. Taurus natives are calm and undisturbed, but if their patience is abused they will see red, just like in a bullfight. This nervous tension can lead to congestion and even broken blood vessels, as their blood starts boiling up.

ZODIAC: Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Most Frequent Taurus Health Problems

The health secrets that allow Tauruses to enjoy great health even as they grow old are temperance and physical exercise. Some of the most frequent Taurus health problems have to do with the throat and neck area. These natives can suffer especially in childhood from conditions such as laryngitis and tonsillitis, and even torticollis, due to excess tension in the cervical area. Other health problems of Taurus have to do with the endocrine glands, namely, thyroid and pituitary glands dysfunctions, which are usually minor and do not seriously impact a Taurus’ health.

Its slowness can make blood flow more slowly, as well as lymph, leading to toxin build-up in the body, not to mention fats. For this reason, regular detox is recommended. Venus gives Tauruses, especially women, a beautiful complexion and fine, often pale skin, and an amazing sense of touch.

Taurus Mental Health

Perhaps a more lively zodiac sign can solve a momentary situation more quickly or more inspiringly, but when it comes to finding the most effective solutions, in the long run, it’s hard to surpass the common sense and temperance of the Taurus. One of the reasons why Taurus manages to maintain his mental focus is because he is preparing in advance. Taurus natives usually research and take down notes so that they are always prepared for school, work, or meetings.

There is a pattern that repeats in the life of Taurus, starting with the first years of school. At first, Taurus is not very noticeable, quite hesitant, and may even be considered unapproachable by some. In the long run, however, Taurus surpasses those who shine for the moment. In time, Taurus becomes more confident and convinced of his own practical reasoning. The pattern is repeated over time, whenever he or she begins a new life stage, such as school or work. Their results speak for themselves.

Taurus does not like abstract notions, for them everything must be real, palpable, and functioning. Some Taurus may put a strain on their mental health if they think too much about their past, and focus on old disappointments or sufferings. But this is something that they can easily overcome if they anchor themselves in the challenges of the present moment and pay attention to them. The ability to focus their attention is another one of their strong points, and one of their ways to keep a clear and crisp mindset.

Ideal Taurus Diet

Taurus can eat anything, almost all foods are good for these natives, but they should make a point of following the principle of moderation when it comes to their diet. Taurus does not eat much for hunger, but for indulgence, and they usually have a sweet tooth. These are two things Taurus should keep under control.

The best diet for Taurus is made of wheat and wheat products (filling and high in fiber), asparagus and artichokes (help digestion and gallbladder functioning), and beans. Due to the fact that a Taurus’ digestion needs a boost, all the herbs and spices added to food are welcome, as they contribute to the better assimilation of nutrients. When it comes down to fruits, Taurus can enjoy all of them, especially apples, pears, and berries, while sweet grapes can satisfy their sweet cravings and even contribute to weight loss.

Best Healing Herbs for Taurus

  1. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has many benefits for Taurus health. Chamomile tea stimulates digestion, which is often problematic with Taurus, and drinking this tea in the evening induces a good night’s sleep. Chamomile infusion gargle can soothe throat infections (tonsillitis, laryngitis, or pharyngitis).
  2. Marjoram (Origanum majorana) – the infusion of this spice herb is a natural analgesic. Although it belongs to the same family as the spice known as “oregano”, it has distinct properties. It soothes coughs, helps with expectoration, and, through its anti-inflammatory properties can help cure bronchitis. Fights nausea, indigestion, and abdominal cramps and revitalizes the weakened body.
  3. Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum) – has an energizing effect not only on the body but also on the spirit of Taurus natives. Massaging 2-3 drops of wild thyme oil on the forehead can alleviate headaches. Like other herbs associated with Taurus in phytotherapy, thyme also works against coughs, laryngitis, and even asthma, toothaches, and nosebleed.

The homeopathic remedies associated with Venus are Pulsatilla, Natrium muriaticum, Apis, Ambrea grisea, Solidago, Formica rufe, Chimaphila, and Dulcamara.

Taylors of Harrogate Organic Chamomile Herbal...
Good Nature Organic Marjoram Tea, 1.058 Ounce
Buddha Teas Organic Thyme Leaf Tea - OU...
Taylors of Harrogate Organic Chamomile Herbal...
Good Nature Organic Marjoram Tea, 1.058 Ounce
Buddha Teas Organic Thyme Leaf Tea - OU...
Taylors of Harrogate Organic Chamomile Herbal...
Taylors of Harrogate Organic Chamomile Herbal...
Good Nature Organic Marjoram Tea, 1.058 Ounce
Good Nature Organic Marjoram Tea, 1.058 Ounce
Buddha Teas Organic Thyme Leaf Tea - OU...
Buddha Teas Organic Thyme Leaf Tea - OU...

Aromatherapy for Taurus

It’s interesting to see how different aromatherapy notes are resonating with the energy of Taurus. On the one hand, this sensual Venusian is fascinated and stimulated by the enveloping and sensual notes of rose and poppy. These scents stimulate their senses and boost their love for beauty and life. But in order to balance the excessive tendency to overindulge, Taurus can also use the high vibration of thyme oil in aromatherapy. The light, subtle scent of pansies can inspire high vibrational thoughts, but the most spiritual aroma is that of sweet violets.

Healing Crystals for Taurus

Intensely green-colored healing crystals, that remind of the May leaves, such as emerald, malachite, or aventurine, are linked by their color quality to the principle of well-being and health that Taurus embodies. In medieval astrology, Taurus was associated with emerald, but some astrologists preferred chrysoprase. Most modern astrologers see Taurus wearing an emerald or if they can’t afford this precious gemstone, a gorgeous malachite. In short, the healing crystals for Taurus are green stones, such as malachite, emerald, and aventurine.

Read Also: What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health?

If you’ve enjoyed learning about the most common Taurus health problems and how to alleviate them with herbs, diet, and crystals, please share this article so more Taurus can use this information.

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ZODIAC Taurus Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals

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