The school of spiritual mastery founded by Zalmoxis may have had some elements from the spiritual schools of those times, known as mystery schools.
Zalmoxis (Zalmoxe or Zamolxe in Romanian) was considered the highest priest of the Dacians, the ancestors of the Romanian people today. Dacians lived in close communion with nature, they were vegetarians and did not drink alcohol until after the Roman occupation, when their society was perverted and infiltrated by the low-vibrational Roman Empire influences. The official history says otherwise, that Dacians were barbarians civilized by the Roman Empire, but this is not the case, and Zalmoxis’ school of spiritual mastery stands as proof.
Before entering the first year of training, Zalmoxis’ disciples went through a half-year period in which they had to adjust to the severe training regimen. Isolation from the community (and family), an almost completely raw and plant-based diet, and restraining from sexual desires were the first things learned in Zalmoxis’s school of spiritual mastery.
After the six months of pre-training, those who felt that their path was with Zalmoxis as a teacher, continued to follow the training for the whole body-mind-soul. The school of Zalmoxis had 8 main degrees of spiritual mastery, which we are going to discuss further below.
In This Article You Will Find:
The 8 Teachings of Zalmoxis’ School of Spiritual Mastery
1. Discipline
obedience ▪️ learning ▪️ diligence ▪️ temperance ▪️ perseverance

The disciples showed obedience to Zalmoxis as well as their teachers, but mostly to what nature and their own soul whispered to them. Listening or obeying was for the “words” of the body as well as those of the soul and mind. Close to nature and carefully guided by their teachers, the disciples were able to understand the first “whispers” of their soul and mind. Step by step, they gained more and more self-confidence, as their “inner eyes and ears” became more and more receptive.
Then the disciples were learning about how the body can be healed with herbs, seeds, flowers, trees, and stones from their predecessors, especially those of goddess’ Bendis and of the priest Gebeleizis. The priests of Gebeleizis had some knowledge of the body’s energy, and they used massaging technics with river or mountain stones, hot stones, and sound therapy.
Physical work, intellectual work (daily study), and spiritual development work were equally important, as well as individual and communal work, as part of diligence training. The disciples were taught from the beginning that everything in this world is based on temperance and balance, namely the balance and harmony of shapes, colors, the day-night cycles, the balance of opposing forces, and their mode of action on the elements.
Lastly, the disciples knew that they should not stop at all from what they had to do and continue to persevere. For them, there was no endpoint. They knew that man must continually improve, that there were no limits, both in knowledge and in development.
2. Pursuing Virtues
will ▪️ courage ▪️ patience ▪️ modesty ▪️ love
In Zalmoxis’ school, virtues were considered the most precious treasures of man because, through them, man is closer to the Divinity, even to immortality, as they transcend duality, form, and time. All virtues have power over matter; they are also powers by which man gets closer to the gods.
Man is born with certain virtues (obtained with much effort in previous lives), he can develop them through numerous trials, or even can receive them due to the ability to access the higher planes. Usually, the virtues from birth are will and courage. Although men are born with them, they must be continuously developed, refined, otherwise, they remain dormant. Amongst the exercises for boosting courage it’s worth mentioning walking amongst the wild beasts of the forests (wolves and bears), and climbing up and over a mountain cliff all alone.

Will and courage must be controlled by balance, common sense, and knowledge, and through all this patience and modesty are learned. These two are considered even more important than will and courage because they have a much greater power to change things in the material plane. Thus, the wise know that there is a perfect time for any given action.
For the faster acquisition and growth of virtues, the initiation schools of all times have drawn up a series of specific programs (exercises). To make love shine in people’s souls, it was enough for the disciple to cleanse his body, mind, and soul of so-called worldly things. The basic “ingredient” of the soul is love, but in order to bring it to the surface, hatred, fear, and doubt must be eliminated.
To be considered worthy to move on to the third level, the disciple had to cross a very long cave, over 10 km. It was an extremely difficult task that lasted several days. The route was particularly difficult, with steep ascents and descents, in total darkness, and with a strong feeling of physical and mental exhaustion, as well as a state of total confusion.
3. Objectives
peace ▪️ justice ▪️ truth ▪️ unity ▪️ progress
The disciples pursued clearly defined goals and they did not intervene where it was not necessary. In general, they sought to bring peace instead of conflict, justice instead of inequity, truth instead of lies, unity instead of division, and progress where people’s minds and hearts were open.

Very rarely did they intervene directly in resolving local conflicts. Most often they sought to find common ground and to convince people, through examples, that any conflict is perpetuated by a lack of vision and especially by a great deal of ignorance. In some communities, they could easily convince people that peace brings much more than conflict.
They categorized conflict into 4 categories depending on the type, causes, sources of the perpetuation of the conflict, and the best methods of settling. These were:
- earth element conflicts – material possession or incompatibilities related to rigid thinking
- water element conflicts – insults, envy, betrayed loves, etc.
- fire conflicts – passions related to power and fame
- air element conflicts – divergent views and ideas, various fears
If they noticed an older conflict, or that it involved deeper wounds, thus harder to heal, the disciples would draw the teachers’ attention, and they would intervene at a subtle level for settlement. The teachers only intervened when they realized that there was no lesson to be learned or paid (karma). Using the intention-imagination-emotion triad, more advanced teachers or disciples were able to induce elevated states into the minds of the conflicted, and to create in them a strong desire for reconciliation, peace. All their conflict-solving was based on justice and truth.
4. Self-Knowledge
personality vs individuality
In the Zalmoxian school of mysteries, from the first year, the emphasis was on the transformation of the personality into individuality, and this presupposed the dethronement of the ego. Personal interests, related to self-image, power, and influence, were considered insignificant and very volatile. Who has managed to transform his personality into individuality will not seek to become stronger, richer, better, more knowledgeable, etc compared to another, but only to the self (to be better than you were before). Individuality recognizes its own position in relation to others, while the egotistical personality must be subdued by another, stronger one.

As with any construction, the foundation of individuality must be solid, balanced, and well structured. To avoid imbalances, they used triads, to balance the tendencies on the three bodies. These triads were:
- thought-word-deed – Zalmoxe considered thought to be a mental pattern.
- intention-image-emotion – to determine the mental pattern, Zalmoxe introduced this triad; intentions are psychic energies formed on perceptible informational structures (from the actual reality).
- soul-mind-body
An egotistical personality does not work with triads, but with desires. The difference between desire and intention makes the big difference between personality and individuality. Desire relates to aspects of the form, but intention transcends form. Desire seeks resources from the outside, while intention finds them on the inside. Desire pursues the aspects of duality (greater, stronger, richer, more influential, etc.), while intention pursues unity, harmony.
The disciples did not want to develop on the dual system, because they knew that matter (and form) is subject to the law of cyclicity, that is, what is above must come down, what was great must become small, etc. Their aim was to transcend form, increase the virtues and achieve inner balance.
5. Liberation
detachment ▪️ concentration ▪️ imagination ▪️ harmony ▪️ beauty
From the earliest training days, the emphasis was on detaching from fears. Uncertainty, doubt, insecurity, oscillations, all these were directly related to fears. The release of fears could take longer because they could be numerous and very deeply rooted in the soul. Fears make the foundation of the reactive mental body.

Attraction and rejection are given by various desires and fears. The release of desires also determines the release of fears. And in order to free yourself from desire, you must release the afferent psychic energy (which generates desire). The disciples did this by directly confronting the fears and by harmonizing the intention-image-emotion triad. First, they set the intention (completely different from the desire), then they visualized the transformation (the image of what they wanted to transform), and the emotion was actually a state of contentment, as a kind of anticipated joy.
They began releasing the fears related to the physical and sensitive body (hunger, disease, injury, death), then they continued to the clearing the mind. The exercises they did at this stage helped them better concentrate and attain a good mental balance. Thus, the reactive desire-driven mind was slowly dismantled, making way for the proactive, intentional, imaginative mind.
6. Self-Development
increasing the vital field ▪️ increasing consciousness ▪️ expanding the senses
The first step in increasing the vital field was changing the distorted diet, to allow for the blood and the lymph to cleanse. Then, the disciples would access the 4 elements as well as their specific energies.
The Earth Element

The element “earth” included four types of energies: Dust (clay, sand, etc.), Stone (from rocks to crystals), Metal (from iron to gold), Wood (the entire plant kingdom). Each of these energies had 8 powers the disciples had to develop, each power had two sides, a physical, material one and another one that was subtle, etherical. They were:
- Force – both physical and mental;
- Resilience – in the face of various obstacles, disease, as well as the resistance of the physical body over time;
- Stability – bringing steadfastness into the mind and soul;
- Balance – on the whole body-mind-soul triad;
- Cohesion – the ability to make connections between the weak and the strong, between the small and the big, between the light and the heavy, etc;
- Growth – trees especially offered the energies of growth.
- Feeding – it was not only about food itself but also about the subtle (etheric) food of the earth element;
- Abundance – richness, diversity.
The Water Element

The element Water comprises of six energy types: Standing water (lakes, seas, oceans), Rain, Flowing water (springs, rivers, streams), Groundwater, Steamed water (clouds, dew, humidity), and the sap of the plant kingdom. Each of these energies had 12 powers the disciples had to develop, both physical and subtle, ethereal.
- Purification – the body fluids on the physical plane, and the negative emotions on the emotional and mental plane;
- Dispersion – soothing emotions and sufferings that could not be eliminated (lessons to be learned or debts to be paid);
- Rinsing – clarity of mind and soul;
- Unification – family or communities – these powers were obtained at the unification of two springs, streams or rivers;
- Dynamization – the ability to mobilize, and energize groups of people and the interior planes;
- Construction – various projects of the respective community (defense constructions, water supply, sewerage, dams, etc.);
- Liberation – emotional fears were eliminated;
- Balancing – the whole body-mind-soul triad;
- Healing – on the physical side, bad fluids could be eliminated (excess blood, “bad” saliva, pruritus, etc.).
- Appeasement – emotional and mental;
- Comforting – those who have lost loved ones, or who have suffered severe injuries, or the helpless;
- Nourishing – the etheric fluid of the water was extremely nourishing to the energy bodies, both to the self and to others. Only advanced teachers and disciples could feed the crowds with the fluid of the water.
The Fire Element

The element Fire comprises of seven energy types: stone fire (powerful fire energies from friction, compression, and burning coal or peat), water fire (natural liquid fuels – vegetable oils, animal fats – and the “liquid fire” of the earth, ie molten magma), earth fire (Gaia’s energy body (Geea), radiant heat, extremely nourishing for the human energy body), moon fire (the energetic body of the Moon), sun fire (the energetic body of the Sun, very powerful subtle energies), celestial fire (3rd-degree disciples could access strong energies from distant spaces, stars, and constellations).
These seven types of fire energies would help disciples develop four capabilities, namely:
- Purification – body-mind-soul triad;
- Dynamization – creative activities, in battle, development, etc;
- Transformation – renewal, evolution, alchemy;
- Stabilization – hardening;
The Air Element

The element Air comprises eight types of energies: Dense air, Thin air (the air from the lowland areas), Hot air, Cold air, Dry air, Wet air (these are the different air-water-fire combinations.), Daytime air (loaded with subtle solar elements), Nighttime air (loaded with subtle lunar elements). These eight types of air energies would help disciples develop six powers, which were:
- The power of the south wind determines change, purification, improvement.
- The power of the north wind brings development, expansion, magnification.
- The power of the east wind brings novelty and freshness.
- The power of the west wind brings the fulfillment, the success, the victory of the inner ones over the outer ones.
- The breeze of the earth (the subtle energy flow of Geea- Gaia) brings fullness and abundance on all levels.
- The breeze of the sky (the subtle energy flow from outer space) determines the clarity, lucidity, but also vision in time, space, and development.
During the three years of training (one to attain the first level and two years to attain the second level of mastery) the disciple learned about all these specific types of energies related to the elements, and worked with them under the close supervision of the Zalmoxian teachers. In the same way, these special powers were accessed by other magicians of the time (Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese, Indians).
It was not the formulas themselves that determine access to them, but the balance between the intention-image-emotion triad. The formulas were a kind of landmark of the sensitive and subtle memory.
7. Causality
resonance ▪️ convergence ▪️ synchronicity ▪️ cyclicality ▪️ correspondence ▪️ uniqueness
All moving systems, whether we are talking about evolutionary or involutive ones, are based on resonance. It is the basis for the formation of atoms, molecules, elements and goes as far as the organization of species, kingdom, planetary, constellation, etc. Resonance is the principle of attraction between similar individuals, as well as the opposites that attract, for completion, or transformation. Resonance is also the basis of the incarnation cycles so that everyone will incarnate in the country, family, environment with which he or she resonates, according to the spiritual body.
Convergence comes immediately after the law of resonance, and it enables the attraction and dynamization so that something takes place. It can be a purpose, a meaning, an inner or outer direction. The ideals, generally the great visions, stand at the base of the convergence of the masses. Everything converges towards the Light, towards Unity, towards all that is.
If it is necessary for something to happen, the universal law of synchronicity facilitates the creation of a subtle field for the collective unconscious, impelling a specific dynamic. It can also determine more people, from different places of the world, to work together on a similar thing without knowing. This explains why many inventions were discovered at the same time. Zalmoxian teachers used this law to access cyclical lunar/solar subtle energies, especially during springtime, when these subtle energies are at their peak.

The Law of Correspondence is one of the most complex universal laws, and its basic idea was this: if something can change in the mind, then it can change in the matter. Therefore, whoever mastered the art of controlling his own mind would also master his own reality, and in time, he would learn to master the art of increasing or decreasing things.
Zalmoxian teachers used the law of correspondence especially to awaken the inner fire. The inner fire was considered the most precious element, because it energizes, transforms, strengthens, and purifies all the other elements. However, they were extremely careful while doing this because awakening the inner fire can mean developing strong aspirations for evolution, but also the triggering of passions for power and domination.
All the dynamic phenomena of the Universe respect the Law of Cyclicity. The Pythagorean school, and later the Zalmoxian school, considered the cycles to be made up of four parts: the minimum point, the maximum point, the middle point of ascent, and the middle point of descent. The most studied and used cycles were: the cycles of the day, the moon cycles, the sun cycles (seasons). They also believe that emotions and thoughts also have a certain cyclicality. More so, they noticed that certain thoughts or feelings sharpen (or weaken) in relation to the cycles of certain planets or stars, and thus, in time, this founded the science of astrology.
The Law of Uniqueness states that all is one and one is all. It is about unity in diversity. The uniqueness of All that can be perceived in the rare moments when man seems totally torn from the surrounding material reality.
A Zalmoxian teacher (priest) knew that the one who looks through his eyes is the same as the one who looks through the other’s eyes. The Living Eternal Fire is present in all and in everything. This means that the powers of the Living Fire are in each one of us but still hidden (asleep) in the heavy veils of matter. Whoever had the wisdom to separate the material from the spiritual (soul) could reach the powers of the Living Fire. When one truly experiences this, he gets to fully understand that there is nothing but absolutely nothing that stands against the evolution of the soul.

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The magical touch of one’s own Living Fire within is what makes one completely change his consciousness. From that moment on, he is no longer the spirit-carrying body but has become a body-carrying Spirit. It is at this moment when he dies and is reborn at the same time. It is the moment when he fully understands that the body is just a garment that he can always discard, renew or change.
8. Time-Space Evolution
order-measure-control ▪️ wisdom ▪️ creation
The final teaching in Zalmoxis’ school of mysteries is about the ultimate human power, that is creation. Just as the source that we come from, we are creators of our realities, and our realities are created from that which is inside ourselves. This is why it is very important to undergo all the other 7 teachings before we start to create.
Creation needs to be fueled by wisdom because when we start to create and thus change the time-space continuum, we change everything in creation. Thus, order, measure, and control are attributes of the wise creator of realities, without which we are unable to create purposefully and for the better of humankind.

Zalmoxis, The Divine God of Dacians
We know little of the ancient civilizations that lived centuries ago between the Carpathian Mountains, The Danube river, and The Black Sea. Getae and Dacians ruled these lands in harmony, they were beekeepers and shepherds, and they’ve passed their wisdom and wit in the rich symbolism that we see today sewed on traditional Romanian folk costumes, gates, and carved in stones.
Their supreme high priest and God, Zalmoxis thought them that they are immortals.
This explains why Dacians were fearless in battle and the bravest of the Thracians because they knew they were immortals. Zalmoxis also taught them that they can attain immortality only by cleansing all earthly passions and that eating meat and drinking wine defiles the soul.
Seeing that the people were listening to him, he gave them the “Beautiful Laws” or “The Belagines”, which he knew from the wise goddess Hestia, The Mistress of the Sacred Fire. These laws included the duties of each member of the community in relation to others and the holographic space in which they lived, with an emphasis on respect for all that God had created.
The legend says that he has retreated in a sealed cave to attain a vibrational state closer to God and has returned to the community 4 years later, foreshadowing the idea of the resurrection, a few centuries before Christ. His miraculous comeback has amazed the crowd that has gathered at the cave entrance. Everyone present felt a kind of energetic tie emerging from their chest area and joining Zalmoxis’ heart, and inside their chest, they felt a love of unprecedented sensitivity and depth.
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Due to the sincere love bursting from people’s hearts, Zalmoxis awakened their souls, thus allowing them to realize that they are all divine beings and potential Creators of light. They all fell to their knees and showed their full gratitude, but Zalmoxis advised them to get up because, he said: “Before God always stay straight, gratitude is only in the heart”. Thus Zalmoxis raised them all to his level, making them partakers of the divinity.
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Information Source: The Mysteries of The Zalmoxian School by Ramen Ra