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What Is Your Mayan Zodiac Sign? The 20 Mayan Zodiac Signs

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What Is Your Mayan Zodiac Sign? The 20 Mayan Zodiac Signs

Want to know what is your Mayan zodiac sign? Continue reading and discover which one is you out of the 20 Mayan zodiac signs.

The Mayan Civilization, which existed in Central America from approximately 2000 BCE to 1500 CE, had a rich and complex culture that included a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and astrology. While many people are familiar with the twelve-sign Western zodiac, the Mayans had their own unique zodiac system based on the positions of the sun and the moon. This system, known as the Mayan zodiac, consists of 20 different signs, each with its own characteristics and personality traits. But before you find out what is your Mayan zodiac sign, here is how the Mayan zodiac works.

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What Is The Mayan Zodiac?

The Mayans used the sacred Tzolkin calendar which had only 260 days, compared to our 365-day Gregorian calendar, as they believed time passes in cycles. The Tzolkin calendar, also known as the Mayan Sacred Calendar, is a combination of two cycles, one of 20 named days and one of 13 numbered days. Each day in the Tzolkin calendar is identified by a number from 1 to 13 and a name from a cycle of 20 names. The 20 named day signs in the Tzolkin calendar are:

  1. Imix (Crocodile)
  2. Ik (Wind)
  3. Akbal (Night)
  4. Kan (Lizard)
  5. Chicchan (Serpent)
  6. Cimi (Death)
  7. Manik (Deer)
  8. Lamat (Star)
  9. Muluc (Water)
  10. Oc (Dog)
  11. Chuen (Monkey)
  12. Eb (Road)
  13. Ben (Reed)
  14. Ix (Jaguar)
  15. Men (Eagle)
  16. Cib (Owl)
  17. Caban (Earth)
  18. Etznab (Flint)
  19. Cauac (Storm)
  20. Ahau (Sun)

Either one of the 20 names days in the Mayan zodiac or the Mayan zodiac signs can be associated with either one of the 13 numbered days, depending on the exact birth date. Each individual has one name day and one number day. The 13 numbered days (variations or traits) that can be associated with either one of the 20 Mayan zodiac signs are:

  1. Unity
  2. Duality
  3. Rhythm/Pace
  4. Measure
  5. Core
  6. Balance
  7. Reflection
  8. Justice
  9. Patience
  10. Materialization
  11. Decisiveness
  12. Tolerance
  13. Progress

Each of the 20 Mayan zodiac signs is associated with a unique personality trait/variation from 1 to 13 and is governed by a specific deity. Now that you know how the Mayan zodiac works, first, let’s look into the 20 Mayan zodiac signs in more detail. Here is a closer look at the 20 signs of the Mayan zodiac, including their symbols, traits, and ruling planets.

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The 20 Mayan Zodiac Signs & Their Characteristics

1. Crocodile


The Crocodile is the first sign of the Mayan zodiac and is associated with the qualities of cunning and creativity. People born under this sign are said to be natural leaders who are not afraid to take risks. They are independent but at the same time close to their families. Crocodile individuals love to take initiative and risks, and they come off as someone assertive and love to take the lead. They are also very loyal to family and friends and are known for their being very protective.

Crocodile Sign Challenges

They are very creative, but should not let their creativity go to waste by working jobs that do not suit them. They can oftentimes be criticized for being too impulsive or too suffocating with their affection. If they want to vibrate higher, these individuals should work on their patience and perseverance.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Imix
  • Healing Crystal: red jasper
  • Color: red
  • Planet: Venus (love, beauty)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Wind
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Monkey
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my strength to follow my instinct.”
  • Strengths: creative, dynamic, empathic
  • Weaknesses: impulsive, rushing, fickle
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2. Wind


The Wind sign is associated with movement, communication, and freedom. People born under this sign are said to be flexible, communicative, and free-spirited, with a love of exploration and a talent for adaptation. These individuals are always up to date with everything that’s going on around them and are rarely taken by surprise. They know how to adapt their communication to each individual that they come in contact with, and can value another one’s opinions without being judgemental. They love to travel, explore and learn from new cultures and mentalities.

Wind Sign Challenges

Due to their high adaptability, these individuals can come off as too-faced, although this is not the case. At times they ponder too much before making a decision and can miss opportunities due to their indecisiveness. They need to learn that it’s impossible to please everyone, and they should not go out of their way to win others. To reach their ultimate potential, these individuals need to learn to be kind to themselves.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Ik
  • Healing Crystal: sodalite
  • Color: white
  • Planet: Mercury (communication)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Night
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Reed
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my capacity to adapt to any given situation.”
  • Strengths: smart, optimistic, flexible
  • Weaknesses: indecisive, lazy, hot-tempered
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3. Night


The Night sign is associated with mystery, secrets, and the unknown. People born under this sign are said to be intuitive, imaginative, and spiritual, with a strong connection to their unconscious mind. They are also very calculated and cautious. Although they put everything into perspective and weigh all options, they always know to look at the bright side and stay optimistic. These individuals don’t lose their self-confidence when faced with challenges, and that’s why others rely on their advice. Are also very empathic.

Night Sign Challenges

Traditions are ok, but you should also be more adaptable to change and novelty. Living in the now will also help you ascend new levels of spiritual growth. You tend to invest too much emotion in some situations. Detaching from the outer circumstances can be very beneficial for you. Allow things to flow towards you, while being the silent observer.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Akbal
  • Healing Crystal: snowflake obsidian
  • Color: blue
  • Planet: Moon (emotion, change)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Lizard
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Reed
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my patience.”
  • Strengths: patient, loyal, empathic
  • Weaknesses: paranoid, too conservative, shy
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4. Lizard


The Lizard sign is associated with growth, potential, and manifestation. People born under this sign are said to be fertile, visionary, and abundant, with a talent for bringing their ideas to life. These individuals are overflowing with optimism and cheerfulness, and oftentimes are the life of the party, infecting others with their zest for life. Lizard people are generous and very helpful, which helps them make money easily and effortlessly. Opportunities always come their way, as well as abundance. When faced with challenges, they pick themselves up and start again.

Lizard Sign Challenges

Although they are very sociable, when it comes to restoring their energy levels, they need to retreat to meditation and introspection. Their self-confidence can sometimes be viewed as arrogance. Should consider whether it is worth sacrificing their integrity to gain the approval of others or stick to their principles.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Kan
  • Healing Crystal: dumortierite
  • Color: yellow
  • Planet: Venus (love, beauty)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Serpent
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Jaguar
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for allowing my light to shine, and help others shine theirs.”
  • Strengths: popular, lively, courageous
  • Weaknesses: vain, hedonist, upstart
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5. Serpent


The Serpent sign is the final sign of the Mayan zodiac and is associated with completion, wholeness, and the cycle of life. People born under this sign are said to be wise, intuitive, and spiritual, with a deep connection to their unconscious mind. These individuals are quiet by nature, covering a wit you rarely find in people. For them, truth and justice come first and they hardly compromise, if any. They are very ambitious and always achieve their goals. On their way to success, they rather prefer straightforwardness.

Serpent Sign Challenges

People may have contradictory opinions about Serpent natives, as they come off as mysterious. Thus, few people will truly get to know them. Finding inner balance and looking on the bright side will catapult their way to success. Opening up more to those around them can help them better understand themselves.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Chicchan 
  • Healing Crystal: amethyst
  • Color: red
  • Planet: Moon (emotion, change)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Death
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Eagle
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for seeing beyond appearances.”
  • Strengths: wise, honest, practical
  • Weaknesses: aggressive, manipulative, possessive
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6. Death


Despite its ominous name, the Death sign is not necessarily negative. It is associated with transformation and change, and people born under this sign are said to be strong and adaptable, with the ability to endure difficult experiences. They are very powerful born leaders, and love being in authority positions. Perseverance is something that characterizes those born in the Death Mayan zodiac sign, as they finish all they set their minds to, no matter the challenges. They are also great negotiators, as they can weigh people and situations very well. When there is a conflict, they can mediate it.

Death Sign Challenges

They have a weakness for people in need and intervene every time they are needed. This can often lead to compromises on their part, for the good of others. Sometimes it would not hurt to put themselves first. Do not engage in revengeful thoughts.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Cimi
  • Healing Crystal: carnelian
  • Color: white
  • Planet: Mercury (communication, intellect)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Deer
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Owl
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to mediate.”
  • Strengths: generous, balanced, sociable
  • Weaknesses: melancholic, naive, hesitant
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7. Deer


The Deer sign is associated with grace, beauty, and gentleness. People born under this sign are said to be kind, peaceful, and in touch with their spiritual side. They have a wild side and can hardly be tamed, as they love all the small miracles in life, and live in the now. Some may say that they are too eccentric, just because they cannot understand why they never get discouraged. They trust in the laws of Creation, that what you give is what you get back, and allow life to take its course. Those born in this zodiac sign have ideals they live for, and are oftentimes taken as row models.

Deer Sign Challenges

At times they expect too much from those around them, which leads to disappointment. In some cases, they daydream too much in the hopes to find a better coping mechanism with reality. But remember. No matter how difficult the challenges you are facing, taking things as they are is the best starting point.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Manik
  • Healing Crystal: amazonite
  • Color: blue
  • Planet: Mars (action, drive)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Star
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Earth
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my innovative spirit.”
  • Strengths: ingenuous, original, tolerant
  • Weaknesses: idealist, stubborn, unreliable
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8. Star


The Star sign is associated with growth, renewal, and abundance. People born under this sign are said to be nurturing, supportive, and abundant, with a love of nature and a strong connection to the environment. They are competitive and enjoy challenging competition for the sake of outdoing themselves. Mental agility and spontaneity are two definitory characteristics for star sign people. They make some of the best storytellers, easily capturing the full attention of their audience.

Star Sign Challenges

Being always on the hunt for new thrills, they tend to bore easily, and this is one of the reasons why they rarely have many long-term love relations. Patience is what they need in this sense. In some situations, they miscalculate the risks and exposure to unnecessary dangers. It’s best to think twice before saying or doing something that may be regretted later.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Lamat
  • Healing Crystal: hematite
  • Color: yellow
  • Planet: Venus (love, beauty)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Water
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Flint
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to process information quickly.”
  • Strengths: smart, competitive, professional
  • Weaknesses: shallow, too talkative, angry
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9. Water


The Water sign is associated with emotions, intuition, and flexibility. People born under this sign are said to be empathetic and sensitive, with a deep connection to their unconscious mind. These people are like the ocean, when they go silent and look cool, are actually troubled by all sorts of contradictory thoughts. They tend to be highly sensitive and absorb the energies of those around them, which gives them a better understanding of people and their feelings. Listening to their inner voice never lets them down.

Water Sign Challenges

These individuals act like father figures to their partners, offering more than they usually receive, and this can come to their disadvantage. Remember that you deserve to be treated with the same respect that you offer. Be real to yourself and also be more appreciative.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Muluc
  • Healing Crystal: lapis lazuli
  • Color: red
  • Planet: Moon (emotion, change)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Dog
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Storm
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my intuition.”
  • Strengths: romantic, intuitive, gentle
  • Weaknesses: emotional, immature, impressionable
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10. Dog


The Dog sign is associated with loyalty, protection, and devotion. People born under this sign are said to be trustworthy, supportive, and reliable, with a strong sense of duty and a deep connection to their friends and family. They rarely take chances or bite more than they can chew, literally, as they know their limits very well. These individuals have a winning mentality, which helps them come out clean from any given situation, no matter how challenging. They appreciate the stability and security of long-term relations, and rarely change partners.

Dog Sign Challenges

Too much need for stability and security does not allow for many miracles. Others may consider you boring or monotonous if you do not get out of your comfort zone from time to time. You will see there are so many exciting things waiting for you outside your comfort zone.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Oc
  • Healing Crystal: bloodstone
  • Color: white
  • Planet: Jupiter (expansion, growth)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Monkey
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Sun
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my extraordinary endurance.”
  • Strengths: resistant, loyal, sensual
  • Weaknesses: complacent, stingy, jealous
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11. Monkey


The Monkey sign is associated with intelligence, wit, and creativity. People born under this sign are said to be clever, curious, and innovative, with a love of learning and discovery. They have a playful nature, always ready to crack a joke or throw a prank on somebody. They know how to catch everyone’s attention, and people are naturally drawn to them. Being always positive helps them a great deal. They are great flirts and have a huge crowd of followers, due to their sensual, effervescent, and optimistic nature.

Monkey Sign Challenges

It’s great to be self-confident, and a whole different ballgame to be arrogant. So please avoid this ego trap. Try not to depend as much on other people’s approval. Given the fact that you take everything as a joke, sometimes you may not be taken seriously. Be frank and clear.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Chuen
  • Healing Crystal: aventurine
  • Color: blue
  • Planet: Mercury (communication, intellect)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Road
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Crocodile
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my joyful nature.”
  • Strengths: natural, enthusiastic, lively
  • Weaknesses: disorganized, frivolous, unfaithful
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12. Road


The Road sign is associated with travel, adventure, and exploration. People born under this sign are said to be curious, independent, and bold, with a love of discovery and a thirst for knowledge. They know exactly what they want and when they want it from an early age. They have an extraordinary capacity to bounce back, no matter the challenges and hardships. They may not be the best leaders, but once they start the engines, nobody can stop them from achieving their goals.

Road Sign Challenges

These individuals need a lot of stimuli, they have a hard time continuing what they started if they become bored. This applies to both their professional and love lives. Although they are surrounded by friends, they find it hard to express their feelings. Opening up more can help build more profound relations.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Eb
  • Healing Crystal: malachite
  • Color: yellow
  • Planet: Mars (action, drive)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Reed
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Wind
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to start again.”
  • Strengths: ambitious, mature, disciplined
  • Weaknesses: pessimistic, detached, cynical
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13. Reed


The Reed sign is associated with communication, language, and the exchange of ideas. People born under this sign are said to be articulate, social, and creative, with a passion for expression and a talent for diplomacy. They are endowed with very good common sense, no matter the circumstance. They are highly adaptable but rarely compromise. These individuals are ready for self-sacrifice when it comes to love or friendship for those that are worth it. They also know how to keep secrets and offer advice.

Reed Sign Challenges

Others may become envious of you as you seem to have it all even if it’s not so and although this is not your intention. You may have set the bar too high, which makes it difficult for you to find a life-long partner. Remember that nobody is perfect, and you yourself have not reached your highest potential yet.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Ben
  • Healing Crystal: turquoise
  • Color: red
  • Planet: Mercury (communication, intellect)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Jaguar
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Night
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to see things for what they are.”
  • Strengths: assiduous, prudent, calm
  • Weaknesses: hypochondriac, bothersome, slow
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14. Jaguar


The Jaguar sign is associated with power, strength, and assertiveness. People born under this sign are said to be confident, independent, and bold, with a strong will and determination. They have this aura of mystery around them, which is a reflection of their very rich inner worlds. This is why few people get to know the Jaguar people very well. These individuals don’t speak up unless they actually have something to say. When in positions of leadership, Jaguar people are amazing people managers, making the most of everyone’s skills and abilities.

Jaguar Sign Challenges

You would be better off without toxic people surrounding you because toxic attachments can draw you back big time.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Ix
  • Healing Crystal: moonstone
  • Color: white
  • Planet: Sun (creativity, identity)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Eagle
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Lizard
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to regenerate after every blow.”
  • Strengths: strong, profound, disciplined
  • Weaknesses: obsessed, extremist, disbelieving
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15. Eagle


The Eagle sign is associated with focus, the ability to see things clearly and from above. People born under this sign are confident they are the architects of their own destinies, and thus take responsibility for their experiences. They recover quickly after each defeat as they don’t make a big fuss about it. Eagle individuals can easily detach emotionally due to their ability to see things from above. This makes them great strategists. They know how to assess their risks and resources and are highly effective when it comes to their jobs.

Eagle Sign Challenges

Your detachment from events can make some people think that you are unapproachable. Do not rush into judging others, before you actually get to know them.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Men
  • Healing Crystal: unakite
  • Color: blue
  • Planet: Sun (creativity, identity)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Owl
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Serpent
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to look at things from above.”
  • Strengths: focused, advanced, altruistic
  • Weaknesses: withheld, biased, conservatory
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16. Owl


The Owl sign is associated with wisdom, intuition, and knowledge. It is believed that those born under this sign have the ability to see beyond the veil of illusion and are thought to be highly spiritual and perceptive individuals. They are endowed with an excellent memory, and there is hardly something they forget. They are humble yet wise enough to learn from other people’s mistakes. They believe that general knowledge is worthless without applicability.

Owl Sign Challenges

Sometimes you have the tendency to overcriticize those around you. Of course, there’s plenty of room for improvement for everyone, but focusing on flaws will return more of that. Love and be loved.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Cib
  • Healing Crystal: smoke quartz
  • Color: yellow
  • Planet: Moon (emotion, change)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Earth
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Death
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to confront any obstacle.”
  • Strengths: conscientious, discerning, ferm
  • Weaknesses: boastful, ironic, materialistic
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17. Earth


The Earth sign is associated with stability, grounding, and practicality. People born under this sign are said to be practical, organized, and reliable, with a strong connection to the physical world. They have their roots firmly in the ground, meaning that they love stability, and security and stick to principles. Have amazing self-control. These people are the rule followers and expect others to follow rules the same as they do. They enjoy repetitive, laborious tasks.

Earth Sign Challenges

If you use your creativity more, you can work smarter and more effectively. Your patience is great, but when you snap you say things that you may regret later. Others may feel that you look down on them.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Caban
  • Healing Crystal: agate
  • Color: red
  • Planet: Saturn (responsibility, structure)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Flint
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Deer
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to stick to my principles.”
  • Strengths: meticulous, diligent, punctual
  • Weaknesses: condescending, conceited, bigoted
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18. Flint


The Flint sign is associated with straightforwardness. People born under this sign are said to be rough diamonds and direct, with great care in choosing the right company. They are like sharp knives and ignite quickly just like flint and steel, as they believe evil should be cut out early on. They find solutions to problems quite easily and do not let things remain unsolved for too long.

Flint Sign Challenges

You prefer to keep some things for yourself, but at times it would be better for you to share what’s on your heart. Being diplomatic in relationships does not mean flattering or telling lies, but saying things without too much zeal.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Etznab
  • Healing Crystal: rhodonite
  • Color: white
  • Planet: Jupiter (expansion, growth)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Storm
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Star
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my ability to say things as they are.”
  • Strengths: sincere, great-hearted, helping
  • Weaknesses: apathetic, brutal, haughty
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19. Storm


The Storm sign is associated with energy, change, and upheaval. People born under this sign are said to be dynamic, intense, and impulsive, with a talent for transformation and a drive for success. They have a changing nature, but when they’re in a good mood, they are some of the most pleasant people to be around. It all depends on their mood. They have big and kind hearts and people ask for their help all the time. Cleaning up helps clean up your thoughts as well.

Storm Sign Challenges

You have a tendency to micromanage everything and everyone around you, so work on that. At times it’s best to let things take their course than intervene. Lower your expectations of others.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Cauac
  • Healing Crystal: jade
  • Color: blue
  • Planet: Uranus (innovation, change)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Sun
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Water
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my strength to move mountains.”
  • Strengths: delicate, humble, hospitable
  • Weaknesses: overdramatic, picky, compulsive
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20. Sun


The Sun sign is associated with power, identity, and creativity. People born under this sign are said to be confident, creative, and radiant, with a strong sense of self and natural charisma. They are the embodiment of gentility and sensibility, with a heightened artistic sense. They are the true romantics when it comes to love relationships, the ultimate daydreamers, and healers from another realm. Their presence is soothing for those around them.

Sun Sign Challenges

Some may complain that you are not very practical and down to Earth. At times coming down to Earth can definitely help. Don’t expect too much from people, but at the same time don’t keep people away in fear of being hurt.

  • Mayan Zodiac Name: Ahau
  • Healing Crystal: pink quartz
  • Color: yellow
  • Planet: Sun (identity, creativity)
  • Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: Crocodile
  • Mayan Zodiac Incompatibility: Dog
  • Mantra: “I am grateful for my pure soul.”
  • Strengths: cooperative, good listener, open
  • Weaknesses: lazy, self-pitying, naive
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The 13 Mayan Zodiac Number Days

As mentioned earlier, each of the 20 Mayan Zodiac signs has one of the 13 number days in association, which brings different variations or traits to the zodiac sign, depending on the exact birth date. Now let’s look into the 13 Mayan number days in greater detail, and then I will show you how to calculate your Mayan zodiac sign.

1 – Unity

You have an unusual drive to do things that are new, and can do a great job with pioneering projects and use your wit and above-average innate intelligence. You are not afraid to walk uncharted territory, and you will also gather followers along your path. Although you love working on your own, teaming up can help you with your projects a great deal.

2 – Duality

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you have a high degree of flexibility and adapt to any given situation. You rarely panic or despair. In addition, you are shrouded in mystery and have a special charm, which explains your large number of followers and admirers. You have a huge potential and can reach higher heights.

3 – Rhythm/Pace

Your Mayan number trait says that you have a cheerful, optimistic, and generous nature. You have above-average social and communication skills. Even more, you have an innate artistic sense, worth exploring and developing further. You tend to absorb the energies of those around you and use them creatively in artistic endeavors. Being a bit more down to Earth would suit you.

4 – Measure

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you are a practical and frugal person. You appreciate the stability of your job and a sure income, as well as stable relationships. You are also not a big fan of change, if fact you avoid change with all your might. You don’t make friends very easily, but those that you do, are your forever friends.

5 – Core

Your Mayan number trait says that you are courageous by nature and are keen to see behind appearances. You can smell BS and lie from afar, and can rarely be lied to or cheated on. It’s highly likely that you’ve been a role model for others who have learned from you to read between the lines. Your principles are set and strong, and you live by them. You are very serious and responsible for your decisions.

6 – Balance

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you have leadership skills, and will do great in leadership positions. You are not afraid of changes, on the contrary. You are quite fond of changes, and there’s plenty you learn from these situations. You trust your capability, and others see this in you. Stick to your winning mindset.

7 – Reflection

Your Mayan number trait says that you are an introvert, who never feels lonely. On the contrary, you get to put your thoughts into order and reflect on what to do next. Make a habit of asking the big questions of life, even if you don’t have many answers. You can find some of your answers in different cultures from around the world, so traveling is for you. You think, thus you exist.

8 – Justice

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you are like to enter into contact with people from other cultures, belief systems, and religious beliefs. This is because you want to look at the world through different lenses. You dream big and do not fear imagining things that others think are impossible to achieve. At the same time, you manage to keep your feet rooted in the ground, as you know exactly what you are capable of.

9 – Patience

Your Mayan number trait says that you are fully invested in any activity that you do. If your job doesn’t give you the needed motivation, you are more likely to look somewhere else. You are amazing in leadership positions because you know how to motivate others almost without any effort. You have the natural ability to inspire those around you and this comes with a lot of gains.

10 – Materialization

Your Mayan number trait says that you are inventive, and have amazing original ideas that surprise those around you. You are the most productive when working on your own as a self-employed or freelancer. For this reason, think of a brilliant business idea and take the chance to do what you love and live your dream life.

11 – Decisiveness

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you’re constantly in a transformation process, that leads you to your highest potential. Introspection and meditation are your best allies, that you can use when at a crossroads. You’re completely tuned in to your inner voice, so pay attention to it. You’re empathic and know how to listen to those around you.

12 – Tolerance

This Mayan number trait says that you are a charismatic person, and you have a very attractive way of storytelling, that makes others want to listen. It’s easy for you to make friends, and keep in touch with little to no effort. You are capable of remembering things in great detail, which can be at your disadvantage when you want to forgive someone or yourself.

13 – Progress

Your Mayan zodiac number trait says that you’re a perfectionist who knows that attention to detail is what makes the whole mechanism function at its peak. You never cut corners when it comes to quality, even if this means extra work and effort on your part, compared to your peers. You are a perfectionist when it comes to your own person as well, and you’re always on the hunt for ways you can improve yourself and your skills. A few breaks would not hurt.

What Is Your Mayan Zodiac Sign?

To calculate your Mayan zodiac sign, you can use the Mayan Calendar Converter here. After entering your complete birth date, press convert. Then look at the bottom of the column where it says “Tzolk’in Date“. There you have a number from 1 to 13 (the number day) followed by a name, which is one of the 20 Mayan zodiac signs abovementioned.

The name is your Mayan Zodiac Sign, while the number is your zodiac trait or variation. Both these two elements make up your Mayan Zodiac sign characteristics. Then come back to this article and read the detailed description of your Mayan zodiac sign and then the trait or variation of your number day, and this is your complete Mayan Zodiac Sign.

The Mayan Zodiac Is For Everyone

The Mayan zodiac is thought to have been used by the Mayans for both divination and personal growth. By examining the positions of the sun and the moon at the time of their birth, individuals could gain insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential life paths. Today, the Mayan zodiac is still studied and used by some people for self-discovery and spiritual growth. The Mayan zodiac offers a unique and fascinating perspective on astrology and self-discovery. Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or just curious about the Mayan culture, this system offers a rich and diverse set of signs and symbols to explore and understand.

Discover What Is Your Sign In The:
Egyptian Zodiac

Greek Zodiac
Native American Zodiac
Druid Zodiac
Tree Zodiac

Flower Zodiac

If you’ve enjoyed discovering your Mayan Zodiac sign and trait, and enjoyed learning how the Mayan Zodiac works, please share this article so more people can use this information. The Mayan Zodiac can be a fun tool for insight and perspective about oneself, and we hope you enjoyed using it.

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