Home Cool Stuff ZODIAC: Cancer Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals for October 2024

ZODIAC: Cancer Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals for October 2024

by Andreea Laza
ZODIAC: Cancer Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Want to learn more about cancer health problems, the ideal diet for cancer, herbal remedies for cancer, and healing crystals for cancer? Continue reading and find out.

Cancer health problems can mostly affect the chest, and breast areas, the heart, rib cage, spleen, and lungs, as these are the bodily parts that they govern. When it comes to their emotional and mental health, cancer natives are much more aware and sensitive than other zodiac signs, which can predispose them to melancholy, sadness, and conflicting emotions. However, cancer health problems can easily be fixed, once the native understands his or her deep, inner self.

Cancer Health Characteristics

Cancer Health Problems - What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health? - 9Pedia.com

Cancer is much better attuned to the Moon phases and has the ability to resonate with the rhythms of nature to a significantly greater extent than the other zodiac signs. Cancer natives are also acutely aware of how their own bodies and, by extension, the bodies of others, work.

That’s why cancer, regardless of gender, is the Mother, the one who doesn’t need someone to explain what’s going on with her children. She understands them instinctively, their bodily and emotional reactions better than many specialists out there.

  • Cancer First Decan (July 22–31) – endowed with an attractive physique, with deep-set eyes, elongated nostrils, and broad shoulders; these natives have a good soul and many friends; when needed, they know how to circumvent the rules.
  • Cancer Second Decan (July 1–10) – tend to be rather short, with a ruddy complexion; all beings absolutely love these natives.
  • Cancer Third Decan (July 11–21) – short and stocky, with a large stomach and abdomen, eyelids with thick eyelashes; they have a lot of physical strength but can suffer in solitude and are prone to heart attacks.
ZODIAC: Cancer Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

Cancer Health Problems & Predispositions

When it comes to the most common cancer health problems, we need to look back at their childhood afflictions, if we are dealing with an adult. Many of these natives have suffered in their childhoods from problems related to digestion and/or nutrition. This is because stomach and food are explicitly linked to the sign of cancer, as well as early childhood (up to the age of seven). It is possible that their sufferings as adults are the result of these ailments, namely an inappropriate diet in the first years of life. Especially if these natives complain of gastritis, stomach cramps, or stomach pains of unknown causes.

Cancer governs the chest, breasts, heart, ribs, spleen and lungs.

Most Frequent Cancer Health Problems

Many cancers can suffer from anemia if their diet lacks sufficient iron as well as much-needed minerals and vitamins. These natives should prevent stomach ailments, from dyspepsia to gastric ulcers, by tackling the root cause. And that is almost always a deficient diet. Water retention, which occurs most often before the full moon, can lead to a series of complications, from trivial cellulite, which is not a disease itself, to swelling of the limbs and abdomen, as a result of a weak bladder. Urinary incontinence is also a common condition.

Many cancer women suffer from premenstrual tension syndrome (PMT) as their breasts become painful due to this excess water retention. In traditional astrology, cancer rules over the left eye, these natives need to take good care of their eyesight. The lower part of the lungs is another sensitive area for cancers, which is why they should strictly avoid the damp cold.

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Moon’s Influence on Cancer Health

The Magical Moon, the one that directs the forces operating in nature, leaves its strongest imprint on the cancer sign. The functions of the body primarily influenced by the Moon are generally those accompanied by the prefix “hypo”. The moon, therefore, determines the slowed (“hypo”) functioning of the thyroid, pituitary, and thymus glands, especially the latter, which plays an essential role both in the growth process and in natural immunity. The moon determines the secretion and assimilation processes of the body, but also reproduction and fecundity, the fertilization process, and influences the uterus and, in part, the ovaries.

Cancer Sign Mental Health

For almost 28 days, the Moon shows a different face every evening. The same happens with cancer natives, which can display a distinct state every day. Hence their reputation of being a capricious zodiac sign. But after 27 days and 7 hours, the cycle repeats itself and, if we observe this rhythm, we can see that cancer is, in fact… constant. The Moon, the ruler of Cancer, represents femininity, and motherhood. And statistically speaking, women live longer than men. An explanation for this phenomenon may be that women find it easier to express their emotions, while men, by nature and by education, are encouraged to control their emotional outbursts.

The bottom line? Both cancer men and women should learn to let off steam every now and then. Vent out, so you don’t burst out. The sensitive cancer sign is oftentimes anchored in the past and linked to family, traditions, and love for their country. But they know how to derive their balance and strength from the ever-renewed experiences, being constant in their commitments, and the real pleasure of socializing.

The Best Diet for Cancer Sign

Cancers like sophisticated dishes, fine sauces, and elaborate tastes. The gourmand Cancer enjoys cooking for his loved ones, and most cancers also have a sweet tooth. Watch your diet. An effective way to eat when hungry is to drink green or jasmine tea, about half an hour before a hearty meal. Do not drink anything during the meal and enjoy a digestive tea, at least half an hour after the meal. A fragrant and effective digestive tea is made from orange flower petals. Foods to eat:

  • steamed nettle with a few drops of lemon and/or beets (to prevent anemia)
  • vegetables with high water content, such as cabbage and turnips
  • tarragon, rich in minerals and trace elements
  • fish and, to a lesser extent, seafood
  • dairy and milk (occasionally)
  • raw honey or maple syrup should be used instead of processed sugar, which they would do well to avoid

Stomach conditions are much easier to prevent than to treat. There are two golden rules for cancer natives. The first rule is that each mouthful should be chewed until it becomes a paste because half of the digestion takes place in the mouth. Rule number two is to eat while sitting down. The sitting position allows the stomach to be relaxed, and to receive and process the ingested food.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer Sign

Cancer is ruled by the moon, and when it comes to the moon, there are three basic types of homeopathic remedies compatible with the Cancer sign.

  • General remedies: Selenium, Bellis Perennis, Bovista, Kali Carbonicum, Sepia, Natrium Sulfuricum, Thuya, Aranea, Diadema, and Folliculin.
  • New moon remedies: Copper, Causticum, and Silicea.
  • Full moon remedies: Antimonium Crudum and Calcarea Carbonica.

Best Healing Herbs for Cancer Sign

  1. Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) can be used not only to fight anemia, but also to solve digestive problems, such as low stomach acid gastritis, enteritis, nausea, or bloating.
  2. Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), in the form of fresh juice or infusion from leaves, bark, or root, can be useful for cancer natives when they suffer from diarrhea, dysentery, certain lung problems, and inflammation. In addition, it is a general tonic.
  3. Blue flag (Iris versicolor), used both as an ornamental plant and in homeopathy, has a series of diuretic and antiseptic properties. Native American Indians used the juice of the plant to treat wounds. The roots of the plant are a natural remedy against constipation.
  4. Yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) has remarkable astringent and cicatrizing effects. The rhizome of the yellow water lily is turned into a powder, a kind of flour, which acts effectively in the treatment of skin conditions. The infusion obtained from yellow water lily petals regulates gut activity. The antibacterial properties of the plant are remarkable, and can even inhibit the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as well as pathogenic fungi, such as candida.
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Health Embassy Mugwort Herb | Artemisia...
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Aromatherapy for Cancer Zodiac Sign

  • water lily – has a beneficial effect with its delicate but persistent aroma.
  • white lily and white rose – white is the color of cancers – the scent of white flowers revives them.
  • white daffodils and verbena – have a tonic and fortifying effect.
  • white sage – concentration and overcoming emotional moments

Healing Crystals for Cancer Zodiac Sign

Probably due to the color white that is associated with the Moon and cancer sign, the Egyptians and Greeks recommended these natives to wear chalcedony, a variety of quartz that is most often found in shades of white-bluish, gray, rarely in other shades. The Byzantines believed that the precious diamond would better express the qualities of the cancer sign, while the Jews attributed the onyx to this sign, a choice that few astrologers would validate today because most onyx is black, a color unsuitable for the cancer zodiac sign. However, there is a colorless or white form that can be worn by cancers who feel it is suitable for them.

Medieval astrology linked the characteristics of the cancer sign to ruby and carnelian. In modern astrology, most authors agree that the moonstone, but especially the silver-gray pearl, born in the bosom of the sea (the sea is ruled by cancer), expresses the energy of this sensitive water sign.

Read Also: What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health?

If you’ve enjoyed learning about the most common Cancer health problems and how to alleviate them with herbs, diet, and crystals, please share this article so more Cancer can use this information.

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ZODIAC: Cancer Health Problems, Diet, Herbs & Crystals - 9Pedia.com

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