Home Uplifting 9 Most Eye-Opening Books Ever Published – Update 2025

9 Most Eye-Opening Books Ever Published – Update 2025

by Andreea Laza
Eye-Opening Books Everyone Should Read 9Pedia.com

And when I say eye-opening books I refer to the third eye.

No really, there are books and then there are BOOKS that are gold. Today I want to talk to you about the latter. Books that have changed people’s lives and with it, the course of human consciousness.

To me, a good read is enriching and uplifting. Which means when you finish reading the book the knowledge will stay with you your whole life.

So I figured these eye-opening reads listing will be helpful for those of you who want to start somewhere. This is why I’ve listed them in the somewhat order that I think will be best for someone’s personal journey towards themselves.

9 Eye-Opening Books that Will Change Your Life

Hence, to make the most of them (and if you have the time at hand), the prefered reading order is from number 9 to number 1.

But if you don’t feel like it, that’s also good.

Just start with the one that feels most appealing to you at this very moment. They are all amazing and will change your life. Here we go with the most eye-opening books ever published countdown. Enjoy!

9. You Can Heal Your Life

by Louise Hay

Louise L. Hay Quote from You Can Heal Your Life

Published in 1984, this is the best selling spiritual book of all times, according to Wikipedia. Why I recommend this book as the first eye-opening read? Because it speaks of where our most important life problems stem from and how we can overcome them. Focusing on the problems and pointing them out, can be brutal for most of us.

In my opinion, admitting the uncomfortable in our lives is the first step to healing those parts of our lives. And the good news, that Louise Hay talks about is that we have the power to do so. How? I’m not going to spoil this book for you. Definitely one of the best eye-opening books!

Eye-opening lesson: The only way to solve the problems in your life is to look inside yourself and not at the circumstances they created.

8. Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self

by Lise Bourbeau

An easy and one of the most fascinating eye-opening books, this one focuses on the wounds we carry with us from our childhood. Perhaps you’ve heard of healing your inner child expression.

In this book, Lise depicts the 5 wounds that people carry with them from the traumas they had as children. She shows exactly how these wounds reflect our behavior as well as physical traits, through the masks that we put on.

This book is truly a blessing and a major insight for self-discovery for your body and soul. I full-heartedly recommend it.

Eye-opening lesson: The masks we use tell the wounds we’ve suffered as children; once we understand our suffering, we can heal it.

7. The Celestine Prophecy

by James Redfield

Sold in 23 million copies since its first publication in 1993, James Redfield’s book takes us on the ultimate journey of self-discovery. So, this read could not have missed from our ultimate eye-opening books list.

Redfield unwraps one by one, 9 prophecies that have been discovered in an ancient manuscript at the Celestine Temples in Peru. The manuscript speaks about a rebirth in consciousness, which is of spiritual nature.

It describes how generations after generations have advanced their understandings through spirituality and through reaching higher vibrations. The 9 prophecies are the principles for the individual evolution that reflect in the collective advancements. This is a very fast read because the author sparks your interest from the very first pages.

Definitely one of the best spiritual books ever written. There’s even a movie made after the book, but I always say the movie will never be better than the book. Your choice.

Eye-opening lesson: Spiritual evolution comes in stages that we all have to go through; each person is at a different stage, but we all grow together collectively.

6. The Four Agreements

by Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz quote from The Four Agreements

Sold in over 7.2 million copies in the US only and translated in more than 40 languages, this book is a must-read for anyone on their path to self-discovery. Miguel Ruiz is what people call a neo-shamanism because he combines the traditional Toltec wisdom with modern insights.

His book teaches us about the 4 main principles that unchain us from our own limiting beliefs. They are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

Reading the book will show you exactly how to follow these principles and live a free and more happy life. One of the best eye-opening books ever written. 

Eye-opening lesson: Authentic self-expression is the only purpose of one’s life. Dare.

5. The Book of Secrets


Controversial yet very insightful, Osho is perhaps one of the most prolific spiritual writers of the past century. His book of secrets is a useful manual to better understand and apply the ancient principles of Tantra for a happier you. In Tantra, the spiritual fulfillment of life is achieved by uniting all experiences of the body, mind, and soul.

The aim of this book is to help you see through illusion and reach the deeper meaning of life with the use of simple and applicable techniques. One of the most fun, extremely insightful, and life-changing eye-opening books!

Eye-opening lesson: The ability to experience the depth of mind without the mind will make you aware of your awareness.

4. The Art of Happiness

by The Dalai Lama XIV, Howard Cutler

Dalai Lama quote from The Art of Happiness

World-renowned spiritual leader and Nobel Prize winner, The Dalai Lama is the representation of the wisdom of Tibetan spirituality. This book is basically an interview between psychiatrist Howard Cutler and The Dalai Lama, that addresses the question of happiness, how to be happy, and what keeps you from achieving this state of being.

Basically, it all boils down to one conclusion. That is, happiness is the very purpose of life, and “the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” Amazing eye-opening read!

Eye-opening lesson: Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.

3. The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne

One of the most groundbreaking books ever written, The Secret speaks about the law of attraction and how to use it. It’s become such a hype that since its first publication in 2006, the book has sold in over 20 million copies worldwide. No wonder this is on our ultimate eye-opening books shortlist!

In her book, Rhonda speaks about how the universe gives us what we focus on and how to use the power of universal attraction to manifest what we desire in our lives.

Basically, every successful people you know has deliberately or intuitively used this law to get to where they are today. Now that the secret is out, it’s just a matter of putting the universe into manifesting. How amazing!

Eye-opening lesson: Your thoughts become things! See the things that you want as already yours.

2. The Power of Now

by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle quote from The Power of Now

One of the most influential spiritual writers of our times, Eckhart Tolle’s books speak of the importance of being present in the moment. He is the spiritual teacher who emphasized this idea the most.

I chose his book “The Power of Now” to be the first runner up on the ultimate eye-opening books list because it the epiphany of spiritual teachings, and perhaps one of the most difficult things to achieve. That is to always be aware and present at the moment, as time is just a mental construct of the physical world.

When we understand this necessary illusion, we take charge of our own happiness, of our freedom, of our lives. He also has the “Practicing the Power of Now” book with his most essential teachings for meditative reading. You can use it as your daily motivation and impulse.

Since his teachings reoccur in all of his books, I use his booklet “Stillness Speaks” for my daily go-to inspiration to meditate upon bits of wisdom and I’m telling you, it is gold. Eckhart Tolle is a humanity hero!

Eye-opening lesson: All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Anxiety, tension, stress, worry are forms of fear, are caused by too much in the future, while guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness are all forms of unforgiveness, caused by too much past.

1. Conversations with God

by Neale Donald Walsh

Neale Donald Walsh quote from Conversations with God Book 1

I personally believe that the best book ever written to serve the awakening of the humankind is Neale Donald Walsh’s Conversations with God. And not God from the religious perspective, but rather the universe that we all are part of.

While it may seem sci-fi when you read the title, the book is actually the author’s channeling of God’s energy through his writing. If you doubt this to be humanly possible, I think it is fair. But my advice is to give the book a chance. You’ll know it is true or not by how you feel when reading it.

If it gives you excitement, if it makes you feel good you know this is real. I couldn’t recommend it more if you’re looking for something to believe in if you lack faith and feel totally discouraged and drifting away in life. It is a life-changing book!

Eye-opening lesson: God speaks with us all the time through the faint voice we call intuition and through the ideas that just pop in our minds. When we turn down the mental noise of our fears, it’s we can hear its loving guidance.

Which book/s from our ultimate eye-opening books shortlist did you read and what did it teach you? Let me know if there are other life-changing books worth reading so we can reach even more people. Happy you dropped by!

9 Most Eye-Opening Books Ever Published everyone should read to better understand life - 9Pedia.com

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