Home Mysteries 9 Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits

9 Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits

by Andreea Laza
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Looking for magic herbs for protection from evil spirits? Continue reading and discover some of the most amazing magic herbs for protection.

There is a long-standing tradition in many cultures around the world of using magic herbs for protection from evil spirits and negative energies. These herbs are believed to have powerful properties that can help to ward off negativity, bring good luck, and provide a sense of safety and security. Apart from the magic herbs for amulets, the use of magical herbs for protection from evil spirits is very widespread. These magical herbs are used as such, to make steam inhalations, bathing, or for fumigation. Here are nine magic herbs that are commonly used for protection from evil spirits.

9 Powerful Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits

1. St. John’s Wort

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St. John’s wort is one of the most used plants in magic because it “protects from dark entities”, “lightens the heavy heart” and, above all, banishes fear. The Romanian proverb “What you’re afraid of, that’s why you don’t escape” has perfect applicability when it comes to dark magic spells. Once the fear of the one who is being targeted is removed, the curse, the evil eye, or the evil entity no longer have power over him.

Popularly, the dried St. John’s wort plant was made into a powder (in the past, it was put in special flat wheat bran bread that was dried in the sun) and people had one spoon four times a day. St. John’s wort is one of the best medicinal herbs for depression, which is not a coincidence it is also one of the top magic herbs for protection.

2. Angelica

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Angelica is also called the plant of the seven angels and folks believe that its flowers and leaves have the property of attracting divine protection to the one attacked by evil spirits. Angelica can be used as a magical herb for protection in powder form or prepared as a cold maceration, but never heated or cooked. People in Eastern Europe would take an angelica preparation for protection 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach as protection from evil spirits.

In the case of small children, who get sick easily, or who cry often, it is said that their guardian angel has moved away from them and that is thus people would put powdered angelica in the bathtub. They were bathed by a specially chosen woman, who has fasted and prayed before.

3. Lovage

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In Romanian folk magic, fresh or dried lovage, spearmint, and valerian were consumed on an empty stomach, mixed with wheat flour soaked in water for a few hours. These magic herbs for protection from evil spirits were believed to be a powerful protection for young people, against the bad influences of the iele, zburători, and Muma Pădurii, as well as other mischievous fantastic beings. Before taking a long trip away from home, mothers would give their sons and daughters a meal made from these three magic herbs: lovage, spearmint, and valerian, to protect them from evil erotic influences.

4. Garlic

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Garlic is a pungent herb that is believed to have protective properties. It is often used in spiritual rituals to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. Garlic can be hung in doorways or used in herbal baths and teas. In Romanian folklore, garlic was used to ward off moroi, vampires, and vârcolaci, demonic creatures that sucked the blood from animals. Romanian people would smear the window sills and door frames with garlic, to drive away evil spirits and prevent them from entering the house, especially for St. George and St. Andrew.

Also, in order to prevent moroi to steal milk from the cows, they would smear the stable doors with garlic. Or they left a crushed clove of garlic is left at the window of the cursed one, to drive away the spells. If you think about it, garlic has antiparasitic and antibiotic properties, so maybe there is some truth to these folk beliefs. Garlic is one of the most powerful magic herbs for protection from evil spirits.

5. Wormwood

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Wormwood is considered a formidable “anti-demonic” herb. Paralysis patients were lightly beaten with flowering stalks of wormwood until the entire room was filled with the bitter smell of this powerful magic plant. In south-eastern Romania, there still is the custom to pass a child with epilepsy three times through a circle made of fresh wormwood stalks. This disease was par excellence considered “the creation of demons” who kidnap the soul of the sick person during epilepsy seizures.

Its close cousin, mugwort is another one of the highly praised magic herbs for protection from evil spirits. Mugwort is a powerful herb that is believed to have protective properties. It is often used in spells and rituals for purification and protection and is thought to have the ability to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. Mugwort can be burned as incense, added to baths, or worn as a protective amulet.

6. Chamomile

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Chamomile is traditionally placed in the room of those affected by the evil eye, or those who have bouts of anger, depression, or irritation to protect them. It is said that the scent of chamomile cleanses the sleep of nightmares and helps the one sleeping to reach the world of angels in their dream and to ask for help for healing.

That’s why chamomile is best dried in the bedroom, where you can spread it before going to bed, and crush the plant slightly in order for the scent to spread in the room more strongly and make sleep smooth. Given its healing virtues, chamomile is one of the most powerful herbs for protection from evil spirits and is still used today.

Sage - Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits & How to Use Them - 9Pedia.com

7. Sage

Sage is a popular herb that is often used for purification and protection. It is believed to have the ability to clear negative energies and vibrations, making it an ideal choice for use in rituals and spells for protection from evil spirits.

Sage can be burned as incense or used in a smudging ceremony, in which the smoke is wafted around a person or space to purify and cleanse it. Sage is, indeed, one of the most powerful magic herbs for protection from evil spirits, especially when used for smudging the home.

8. Rosemary

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Rosemary is a fragrant herb that is believed to have protective qualities. It is often used in spells and rituals for purification and protection and is thought to have the ability to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. Rosemary can be burned as incense, added to baths, or worn as a protective amulet.

9. Horseradish

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Horseradish is a formidable tear-making, which is why it is used for those with a “locked heart”, who, following a magical spell cast upon them, close themselves spiritually, and become strangers to their loved ones. People would grate horseradish shaved on a plate and keep it close to the eyes, at sunrise and sunset. This simple trick helped draw tears out, which carry with them all the anger and all the poison inside the individual, and flush them out. In order for the procedure to be effective, one must pray to God or to the universe, until he or she feels that “the soul returns to its place” together with the tears.

Quite similar to horseradish, onion is used mainly for its tear-inducing effect. It is said that together with the tears, the evil from the soul also goes away, which thus “washes away”. Those who have a “heavy heart” (suffer from depression) can inhale the smell of onions until tears start to come out. Then pray, as prayer will be much easier and more sincere while tearing. Although not herbs per se, these two root vegetables can offer some of the best protection against evil spirits.

Other Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits Worth Mentioning

In addition to the above-mentioned magic herbs, there are a few other magic herbs that are also believed to offer protection from evil spirits and negative energies. These magic herbs for protection from evil include:

  • Basil: Basil is a popular herb that is believed to have protective properties. It is often used in spiritual rituals to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. Basil can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Lavender: Lavender is a calming and soothing herb that is often used in spells and rituals for purification and protection and is thought to have the ability to ward off negative energies and evil spirits.
  • Anise: Anise is a fragrant herb that is believed to have protective properties. It is often used in spiritual rituals to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. Anise can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Bay leaves: Bay leaves are believed to have protective properties and are often used in spells and rituals for purification and protection.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint is a refreshing herb that is believed to have protective properties. Peppermint can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Thyme: Thyme is a fragrant herb that is often used in spiritual rituals to purify and protect against negative energies. Thyme can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Fennel: Fennel is a fragrant herb that is believed to have protective properties. It is often used in spiritual rituals to purify and protect against negative energies. Fennel can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Dill: Dill is a fragrant herb that is often used in spiritual rituals to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. Dill can be burned as incense or used in herbal baths and teas.
  • Juniper: Juniper is a purifying herb that is often used in spells and rituals for purification and protection and is thought to have the ability to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. Juniper can be burned as incense, added to baths, or worn as a protective amulet.

It’s important to note that the use of magic herbs for protection against evil spirits is a cultural and spiritual practice that varies from one tradition to another. Some herbs may be more commonly used for this purpose in certain cultures or traditions, while others may not have the same significance. It is always best to do thorough research and seek guidance from a trusted source before using herbs for spiritual purposes.

Horseradish - Magic Herbs for Protection from Evil Spirits & How to Use Them - 9Pedia.com

Ways to Protect from Evil Spirits

In addition to using magic herbs for protection from evil spirits, there are many other ways to guard against negative energies and evil spirits. These may include practicing mindfulness and positive thinking, setting boundaries and protecting one’s personal space, and seeking support from trusted loved ones and spiritual advisors. Overall, using magic herbs for protection against evil spirits can be a powerful way to connect with one’s spiritual beliefs and cultivate a sense of peace and well-being.

Read Also: 7 Powerful Medicinal Herbs for Exorcism & How to Use Them

Herbs should be used with caution and respect and seek guidance from a trusted source before using them for spiritual purposes. The use of herbs for protection against evil spirits is not a substitute for seeking help from trained professionals in cases of serious mental or emotional distress. If you are experiencing such distress, it is important to seek help from a qualified healthcare provider. If you’ve enjoyed learning about magic herbs for protection from evil spirits, please share this article so more people can use this information.

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