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7 Natural Ways to Balance Yin Yang Energies

by Andreea Laza
Natural Ways to Balance Yin Yang Energies - 9Pedia.com

Looking for natural ways to balance Yin Yang energies with little to no effort? Continue reading and find out how to do it.

In the ancient Chinese language, Yin is literally translated as “the shady side of the mountain“, and Yang, “the sunny side of the mountain“, two metaphors that express the idea of cold and warm, feminine-masculine, moon and sun, night and day. When we are healthy, relaxed, and at peace with ourselves, the Yin and Yang energies are in harmonious balance. That is when during the day we are in maximum shape, and at night our sleep is deep. But a perfect Yin Yang balance is hardly achieved only by a few individuals. However, there are a few natural ways to balance Yin Yang energies that anyone can use. But first.

What Is Yin Yang?

The concept of Yin and Yang is an ancient philosophy that originated in China. It is based on the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected and that all things can be classified into two opposing but complementary categories: Yin and Yang.

Yin is associated with feminine energy, darkness, and the inner world, while yang is associated with masculine energy, light, and the outer world.

In traditional Chinese medicine, yin and yang are seen as the two opposing forces that maintain balance in the body. When these energies are in balance, a person is healthy and well. When there is an imbalance, it can lead to physical and emotional symptoms. Before we get to the natural ways to balance yin and yang energies, see if you’re low in either Yin or Yan energy.

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How to Know You Have Low Yin Energy?

When you have low Yin energy, the most common symptoms are anger, irritation, dermatological issues, permanent thirst, and insomnia to the point of total exhaustion. One of the main signs of low Yin energy is hot flashes and sweating. Therefore, your body needs food to cool your body down.

How to Know You Have Low Yang Energy?

When you lack Yang energy, you may have a pale complexion, a feeling of sluggishness, and permanent fatigue, cold hands, and feet, edema, and cellulite. Usually, the first sign of low Yang energy is constantly complaining of feeling cold. Therefore, your body needs food to “warm” up.

Now that you know whether you have a Yin or a Yang imbalance, let’s get straight to the 7 natural ways to balance Yin Yang energies.

7 Natural Ways to Balance Yin Yang Energies

1. Exercise and Movement

Exercise and movement can help balance yin and yang energies by bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the body. Physical activity helps to move energy through the body, promoting circulation and helping to release any stagnant energy. It can also help to improve sleep, reduce stress, and boost mood, all of which can contribute to a sense of overall balance and well-being. Exercise is one of the simplest natural ways to balance Yin Yang energies, and it feels so good.

Engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle - 9pedia.com

2. Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition play a significant role in balancing yin and yang energies. By eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of yin and yang foods, you can help to maintain a sense of balance in your body. Foods that are warming and energizing, such as spicy foods, are considered yang in nature, while cooling and calming foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are considered yin.

  • Foods that balance Yin energy are citrus fruits, pineapple, watermelon, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, soybean sprouts, potatoes, tofu, sprouted wheat, peas, sesame oil, tarragon, mint tea, green tea, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Eat as many sprouted grains as possible. Eat raw as much as possible, or boil your foods briefly, more like scald.
  • Foods that balance Yang energy are cherries, apricots, peaches, dill, leeks, onions, garlic, rice, oats, walnuts, pine seeds, refined rapeseed oil, coconut meat, lamb, ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, aromatic cloves. Heating food by fire increases their Yang properties.

Another way to balance Yin Yang energies with food is to drink ginger tea first thing in the morning (boil 2-3 pieces of fresh ginger for 10 minutes in half a liter of water), and eat radish in the evening, either grated, added to your in salads, or slow juiced. Ginger boosts metabolism in the morning, and boosts your energy while eating radish in the evening makes the body’s functions calm down, hydrates the body, and improves sleep.

3. Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness practices can help to balance yin and yang energies by allowing you to connect with your inner self and bring a sense of calm and clarity to your mind. These practices can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being, which can help to bring Yin Yang energies into balance.

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4. Acupuncture, Acupressure, and Reiki

Acupuncture and acupressure are traditional Chinese medical practices that involve the insertion of needles or the application of pressure to specific points on the body. These practices can help to restore balance to the body by regulating the flow of energy and improving the overall functioning of the body’s systems.

If you feel apathetic in the middle of the day and still have to work, massage the two points called the “gate of life” (located on either side of the spine). To do this, put both your fists on your spine at the level of your kidneys, and massage these two spots with the bones of your fist, in rotational movements. Repeat 20 times. Your vital energy will be set in motion again, as this is a simple way to balance Yin Yang energies whenever you feel sluggish.

There’s another thing you can do to balance Yin Yang energies naturally. Bring your palms together and rub them together until they warm up. Apply them on both sides of the neck, right under your chin. Stay like this for about 2 minutes. This indirect thyroid massage, part of the Reiki practice, has a strong influence on our emotions. You can do this all over your body, starting with the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

5. Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to balance yin and yang energies. Many herbs are considered yin or yang in nature and can be used to help restore balance to the body. For example, ginseng is a yang herb that is often used to boost energy and improve stamina, while chamomile is a yin herb that is used to calm the mind and promote relaxation.

  • Healing Herbal Tea for Yin Energy. Boil half a cup of dried jasmine flowers and 1 cm of licorice root in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Strain the tea, sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey and drink it daily for two weeks.
  • Healing Herbal Tea for Yang Energy. Boil two centimeters of peeled ginseng root, 2 cm of licorice root, and 4 figs in a liter of water for 60 minutes. Strain and drink the entire amount in one day. Equally effective is a ginseng tea cure. Drink three cups of ginseng tea daily for two weeks.
Natural Ways to Balance Yin Yang Energies - 9Pedia.com

6. Chi Kung

Chi Kung, also known as Qigong, is a traditional Chinese practice that involves slow, gentle movements, deep breathing, and meditation. It is believed to help balance yin and yang energies by regulating the flow of energy in the body and helping to release any stagnant energy.

7. Yoga

Yoga is a practice that involves physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It is believed to help balance yin and yang energies by bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the body and mind. You can start practicing yoga at home, or join a yoga class if you also want to connect with other like-minded people. Socializing is one of the best tools and natural ways to balance Yin Yang energies.

Why Is Important to Balance Yin Yang Energies

Balancing yin and yang energies is an important aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. By incorporating natural practices such as exercise and movement, diet and nutrition, meditation and mindfulness, acupuncture and acupressure, herbal remedies, Chi Kung, and yoga into your daily routine, you can help to bring these opposing energies into balance and promote overall health and well-being. For this, we have three final tips for you:

  • Incorporating natural practices into your daily routine can also help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Taking time to connect with nature, practice self-care, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can all contribute to a sense of balance and harmony.
  • Remember to listen to your body and pay attention to any physical or emotional symptoms that may indicate an imbalance in yin and yang energies. By taking a proactive approach to maintaining balance, you can support your overall health and well-being.
  • Everyone’s needs are different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It may be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional or holistic practitioner to determine the best approach for balancing yin and yang energies for your individual needs.

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7 Natural Ways to Balance Yin Yang Energies - 9Pedia.com

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