Home Health The 4 Temperament Types and Their Health

The 4 Temperament Types and Their Health

by Andreea Laza
4 Temperament Types and Their Health – What Your Temperament Type Says About Your Health - 9Pedia.com

Want to know how your temperament type influences your health? Continue reading this article and find out more about the 4 temperament types and their health

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, classified individuals into four large temperament types, depending on their constitution and character, which he considered essential to know which lifestyle suits them best.

He concluded that the 4 “moods” in the body determine human behavior, and they are the blood, the lymph, the black bile, and the yellow bile.

Most people are a combination of these 4 temperament types, with one or more dominant types. Knowing what temperament type you are will help you take better care of your health, and anticipate health issues before they arrive. If you want to learn more, continue reading our article on the 4 temperament types and their health, with naturopath recommendations for maximum health. But before, let’s look into the temperament types meanings and what characterized each of the four temperament types.

What Are The 4 Types of Temperament?

1. The Choleric Temperament Type

The choleric temperament type is characterized by strong emotional reactions, increased reactivity, impulsiveness, and sometimes even aggressiveness. Cholerics oftentimes waste their energy but manage to quickly prove their capabilities. They are inconsistent in relationships with others and have a tendency towards exaggerations.

2. The Sanguine Temperament Type

The sanguine temperament type is characterized by liveliness, cheerfulness, good mood, but can quickly jump from one emotion to another. The sanguine type adapts quickly, manages to master their behavior relatively easily, which allows him/her to establish relationships quickly. They have abundant verbal and communicative expressions and take decisions easily using their intuition.

3. The Melancholic Temperament Type

The melancholic temperament type gets easily emotional and is sensitive, with difficulty adapting. The melancholic type is inclined to reverie and interiorization and is strongly affected by failures, which he/she compensates with shutting off from the outside world. The melancholic types have a reduced work capacity, but progress quickly and are very good at scrupulous tasks and activities.

4. The Phlegmatic Temperament Type

The phlegmatic temperament type is characterized by calmness, steadiness, they are sometimes even slow-pace. This is due to their inner emotional balanced which makes them react quite rarely if ever. The phlegmatic people form long-lasting bonds with patience and tolerance. They find it more difficult to adapt and jump from one activity to another, are meticulous, and love routine tasks.

The 4 Temperament Types and Their Health

1. Choleric Temperament Health

In general, the choleric temperament type is well-built, muscular, pragmatic, prefers concrete action, lucid, involved, responsible, brave, and very aware of the reality of life. The choleric is one of the most prone to stress out of all the temperament types but takes good care of his/her health.

The liver is the most affected organ, with key role in immunity, the organ related to desire and action, but can also store a lot of anger.

This is why the choleric temperament type can get easily frustrated when things don’t go as they planned, worry too much, and at times they feel they missed the momentum. In addition to liver health, the choleric types should also take good care of their muscle and bones.

What Should Cholerics Eat?

  • Ideally, a predominantly raw vegan diet, and organic as much as possible to support liver health.
  • Reduce animal fats and excess protein, to protect the gallbladder, and instead eat raw beets and radishes.
  • To boost immunity and morale, enrich your diet should with foods rich in natural vitamin C, namely green parsley, blackcurrants, red peppers.
  • Go for anti-stress foods such as dark chocolate, banans and nuts and seeds ocassionally.

Natural Supplements for Choleric Type

  • Turmeric (fresh or powdered) as food supplement will boost immunity, reduce inflammation and protect your liver.
  • Rosemary tea is a powerful antioxidant and antiviral, it protects the liver, and stimulate the gallbladder; and has beneficial effect on immunity.
  • Magnesium supplements are recommended if you feel under stress, over a period of 1-3 months.
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Health Tips for Choleric Type

Choleric temperament types can benefit from regular back massages, to release toxins and release stuck emotions.

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2. Sanguine Temperament Health

Out of all the temperament types, the sanguine loves to live life to the fullest, he hardly refuses the delights of life and tends to gain weight as the years go by. Enthusiastic, tonic, overflowing, friendly, expansive, the sanguine is has a big loving heart, that can ache when confronted with relationship issues.

The sanguine needs to take care of the stomach – sometimes overloaded with junk foods, the kidneys – at times overworked, and especially the heart – that goes a great length to put with the diet excesses and lack of exercise.

Usually the sanguine enjoy strong health, but as they can hardly refrain from food and lifestyle indulgences, they put a lot of pressure on their hormonal system. As a result, a sanguine can sometimes feel unwell.

What Should a Sanguine Eat?

  • Drink lightly mineralized water. It is a good way to drain your lymph and blood flush out toxins from the body. Good hydration soothes your kidneys and boosts energy.
  • Reduce or cut out alcohol, coffee/caffeine and soft drinks, to help rebalance your adrenals, who are stressed from these typs of food. Instead, replace coffee with a healthier alternative, but first drink a jug of water with lemon right upon waking up.
  • Enjoy foods that soothe the heart such as raw garlic, beets, blackcurrants, rose hips, nuts and seeds, and leafy greens.

Natural Supplements for Sanguine Type

  • Vitamin C can help flush toxins and boost immunity. The best vitamin C for you are blackcurrants, (juice, frozen or fresh) but you can also supplement with natural vitamin C capsules from rose hips of acerola.
  • Detoxify with chlorophyll. Green barley juice powder has a very positive effect on vitality; 1 teaspoon a day in a glass of water or smoothie before breakfast can help.
  • Medicinal mushrooms such as such as shiitake, reishi and maitake can help balance your nervous and endocrine systems, and prevent chronic illnesses. You can read more about how to use healing mushrooms here.
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Health Tips for Sanguine Type

Fast one day of the week to help replenish your adrenals, detoxify the kidneys, and allow your stomach a bit of rest. Manage your health better, especially by working out more, for that needed rush of oxygen. A 20-minute daily break can help a lot in curbing overindulging by relieving stress.

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3. Melancholic Temperament Health

Out of the four temperament types, the melancholic is more prone to overanalyze and overthink. They are endowed with a good analytical spirit and critical sense, but being very emotional can make them susceptible, irritable, even anxious. This is why melancholics often have sleep problems, which can lead to sadness and depression.

The melancholic needs to take care of their mental health, and the good functioning of their nervous system.

Rational, present, and sensitive, melancholic type individuals sometimes close in on themselves when faced with stress and this can amplify as they age.

What Should a Melancholic Eat?

  • Although they hardly have an appetite, the melancholic types needs an energetic and comforting diet, that should include seafood, veggies broths, cold-pressed oils, olives, and freshly grated ginger to accompany the main meals.
  • Fill up on vitamin B by eating plenty of whole grains to boost the immune system and the nervous system at the same time, namley muesli, brown rice, soroughdough bread, oats, buckwheat etc.
  • Reduce sugar, if you’re overconsuming or have a sugar addiction, because sugar affects the brain health. High sugary foods can make the melancholic type prone to mood swings. Instead, have plenty of fresh fruits, smoothies and healthy sugars.

Natural Supplements for Melancholic Type

  • Zinc is one of the top supplements for immunity, naturally found in fish and seafood. One zinc tablet a day, prevents respiratory viral infections and keeps you healthy.
  • Propolis, either fresh (with honey) or frozen, boosts immunity and soothes the digestive tract. A teaspoon of propolis tincture a day on an empty stomach can be a game-changer for the melancholic type.
  • Magnesium can help balance your central nervous system. Go for a natural magnesium supplement, or have two or three dried figs a day provide the required amount of magnesium naturally.
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Health Tips for Melancholic Type

Practice a sports activity to relieve stress and tension, and get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is very important to boost immunity. For this, have a light dinner, limiting protein (they tend to keep you awake) to make it easier to fall asleep. Working out tires the body, which eliminates brain fatigue.

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4. Phlegmatic Temperament Health

The phlegmatic type is calm, cool, and can sometimes seem indolent as if they let themselves be carried away by circumstances. Out of the foud temperament types, the phlegmatic is apathetic, when it comes to moving their bodies or enjoying food.

Their health is closely linked to the digestive system.

Introverted, holding emotions in, well-organized, and patient, the phlegmatic type people keep their cool at all times, even when they go through things that are “difficult to digest”. This can have a negative impact on their stomach and digestive tract health.

What Should a Phlegmatic Eat?

  • Enrich your diet with ginger, fresh pollen, sprouted wheat and seaweed. They contain beneficial vitamins, proteins and minerals. Ginger is very stimulating. Prepare fresh ginger root tea, by steeping 2-3 ginger slices in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes.
  • Spice up your meals turmeric, cumin, anise and dill, herbs that are good for digestion, intestinal flora and your mental state.
  • Boost your vitality with superfoods such as spirulina, that energizes and detoxes the body, and is packed with iron and protein.

Natural Supplements for Phlegmatic Type

  • Germanium is a natural antiviral and antifungal trace element that speeds up metabolism, improves the body’s oxygenation, activates immune cells and increases the production of interferon (an antiviral protein). A natural source of germanium is reishi mushroom, wild garlic and herb Robert.
  • Rhodiola and Ashwagandha are powerful adaptogenic herbs, with amazing benefits for the mind, especially when feeling stressed or depressed.
  • Lemon Balm tea is a great remedy for stomach pain, and can help with intestinal flora imbalances and abdominal pain, issues that oftentimes affect the phlegmatic types.
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Health Tips for Phlegmatic Type

Working out should be regular rather than extenuating. Sport is indispensable for the phlegmatic temperament type, which is laid back by nature. Other ways to boost body heat and vitality are regular massages or skin rubs, and mountains hikes.

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What Your Temperament Type Says About Your Health

Your temperament type can impact your health, sometimes positively and at times negatively. Each of the temperament types has things that they can improve on a personal level, that can better their overall mental and physical health. For this, we all need the courage to dive deep within, and stare our fears and limiting beliefs in their face. Once we do this, we will see that our fears are merely an illusion keeping us from reaching our highest potential. Then we can create the best versions of ourselves, indifferent of our temperament types, past traumas, and everything that has been holding us back.

Read Also: The 4 Ways in Which Your Intuition Speaks to You

If you’ve enjoyed reading this article on the temperament types and how your temperament affects your health, please share it on social media, so more people can read it. Stay healthy and happy!

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