Want to learn who were the Agathyrsi truthfully? Prepare to have your mind blown, as they were the true inhabitants of ancient Agartha.
Agathyrsi are an ancient European civilization that most people know little of if anything, and most information about them is intentionally misleading, and/or incorrect. The mysterious and highly evolved Agathyrsi once occupied a vast territory ranging from Central and Eastern Europe to the Middle East, the land of ancient Agartha. Let’s get straight to the most important facts about Agathyrsi, and their kingdom, ancient Agartha, following the unique information I have researched and compiled for you.
In This Article You Will Find:
9 Mysterious Facts About Agathyrsi and Ancient Agartha
1. Agathyrsi Lived in Agartha
According to Romanian researcher and historian Valentin Tîrcă (IO AS THAARQ UN AG WHAALHALENSSIS), one the last descendants of the surface dynasty of the Agathyrsi, Agathyrsi lived in Agartha. One of the few things that Wikipedia is right about is that Agathyrsi inhabited the Transylvanian Plateau and the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, the center of Agartha’s ancient land (Romania today). But their territory was much more extensive, namely comprising the area between Iran/Sumer (the Black Sea was a central, inside sea) and The Black Forest (Germany) and from the Black Plain in Poland to the Black Plateau in Italy (Altopiano delle Murge – murg in Romanian means black).
Agathyrsi were one of the five confederate nations of Eurasia, alongside the Sarmatians, Scythians (Dacians), Thracians (Traxi/Draxi), Getae (Goths/Celts), and.
Agathyrsi (also known as the Hyperboreans), did not choose the region of Romania as the center of their empire by mistake. Romania is connected to the center of the Universe by a thread, a cord through which all humanity and people receive Life Energy. Agathyrsi emerged and settled in the region of Transylvania because the vibration of Romania is similar to the vibration of gold, which is a very pure and refined vibration.

2. The Alien Origin of Agathyrsi
If you’re already familiar with Ancient Aliens, know that Agathyrsi like most other ancient human races were descendants of aliens. According to the information provided by researcher Valentin Tîrcă, the Agathyrsi people are the offsprings resulting from the mating of Dragonian aliens from the Draco constellation with members of the Thracian race (we recommend reading our article about Atlantis for a better understanding). Dragonian aliens? Exactly. This explains the many unique Romanian words and idioms stemming from drac, which has no direct translation in any other language and refers to an imaginary male being, that embodies an evil spirit, similar to a devil, demon, or satan.
According to the same source, the Carpathians are a single artificially constructed edifice by aliens from the Draco Constellation, stretching from the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia, all the way down to Istanbul, Turkey. If you look at the Carpathians from above, you see that they have the technical shape of a dragon, and are almost identical to the Draco Constellation.
In ancient times, our solar system was known as The Salamander Constellation or Asalamandraxia.
The Draco Constellation has 17 stars, and these stars correspond to 17 underground cities that exist inside the Carpathians. Each of these cities has a corresponding city at the surface (the Old World Tartaria consisted of 17 empires ruling the Earth).
Sarmisegetusa is the 10th underground city in the Carpathians, and after the Agathyrsi retreated inside the mountains, it became their military center. Sarmisegetusa (Sarmes E Get Susa), literally translates as the capital of the Sarmatians and the Getae, namely the military contingents of the Agathyrsi and it had the wolf totem. Apulum (Alba Iulia) corresponds to the underground city of Apelos (see Radu Cinamar – Inside the Earth: The Second Tunnel). Shamballa is nothing but the old name of the city of Istanbul, the last citadel among the 17th Carpathian settlements.
These underground cities are still inhabited by the Agathyrsi people today, who have retreated into the mountains after the Agathyrs-Scythian-Persian war. At the moment, there still are around 3 million Agathyrsi living in the underground cities inside the Carpathians. Their underground dwellings have circular openings and terraces like skylights, hidden from people’s eyes through which the sun reaches them. They still have advanced technology that most people cannot even imagine.

3. Agartha and Tartaria Connection
Romanian researcher and historian Valentin Tîrcă, Tartaria (THAARQTARIA) is the name of the old Agarthan Empire, also meaning the seventh empire. In the old language of the Agathyrsi, “thaarq” means seven, and “taria” means “country” (the Romanian word for country is țară), because Agartha was the seventh kingdom of the 17th empire on Earth. This is why the phonemes “tar/tir/târ/tzar” are still present in the names of people belonging to the Agarthan Empire or their settlements (See also Tartaria Tablets, Târnave, Târgoviște, Târgu Mureș, etc). The root “tarq” in the noble Etruscan Tarquinius family tells us that we’re talking about a royal family from Agartha, which was native to Rome (Tarquinia being the citadel of the kings).

The center of Agartha is the Carpathian Mountains arch located in today’s Romania, where the capital of Middle Earth of the seventh empire, also known as Thaarqtaria (Tartaria), is located.
Tartaria represented the land of the serpent or dragon (see the Dacian draco and the connection of Carpathians with the Draco Constellation above), and it was the 7th ruling family out of the 16 Agarthan families forming the Round Table, each represented by an animal totem (wolf, bison, badger, marten, otter, raven, snake, goat, and others that are currently kept secret). The Round Table later became the Order of The Dragon (ORDO DRAX IO). The 16 noble Agarthan families had one mission: to protect the 17th totem, the Queen Salamander (Asalamandraxia – Magna Mater), as they were a matriarchal, peaceful society. The serpent has been demonized by the Christian Church (you will later see why).
In his book Forgotten Genesis, based on information from Department Zero, Romania’s secretive intelligence division, Radu Cinamar speaks about the ancient Tars civilization that emerged around 70,000 BC in Europe. They were a highly evolved civilization of semi-humans with alien DNA, which lived on a higher dimensional plane on Earth, inhabiting Northern and Central Europe. They had advanced technology we still do not have today, but they only used it for benevolent purposes.
He further talks about the Great Tars War that started between various factions of this Tars civilization, a war like no other, with weapons and technology unimaginable. After the war ended, with the help of their giants called tharos (see Romanian word “tare” meaning “hard/strong”) they erected giant constructions like warning beacons that emitted specific frequencies that were activated in case of such an event, so that such never happens again in the future. The more highly evolved beings that survived the war laid the foundation of a new civilization called Hyperborea, which we know little of as the information has been intentionally kept secret by the church and their subservient royal families.
4. Agathyrsi Were Not a Scythian Tribe, on The Contrary
The Agathyrsi are not a Scythian tribe, nor are they related by any means, despite what Wikipedia says. They were actually foes, as Herodot mentions the wars between the Scythians and Persians in which the Agathyrsi did not agree to ally against the Persians and threatened the Scythians (Book IV; 78; 100; 119; 125).
Thaarqa Petru, translated as the rock snake, (Spargapeithes in Greek), the king of the Agathyrsi has destroyed the Scythian army, executing their king Ariapeithes (translated as the rock vulture). Meanwhile, the Sarmatian king allied with the Agathyrsi, has captured the Scythian high priest Zamolxes, who was actually Scythian/Dacian (and the origin of the resurrection myth), piercing him with arrows. Believing him dead, they sent Zamolxes back to Scythia, but on the way there, Zamolxes recovered and manipulated the Scythians into believing that he was GOD. This was the Agathyrsi people’s attempt at cutting off the appetite of the Scythian savages who were feeding on human gourds, and sacrificing war prisoners in honor of Zamolxis.
There is an uninterrupted battle still going on to this day between the Agathyrsi and the Scythian kings, a battle of good and evil.
Agathyrsi did not come from the Asian steppes, and they were not nomads, but a peaceful sedentary population native to Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. the old territory of ancient Agartha. Scythians, on the other hand, were an opportunistic nomad tribe from Asia, who roamed parts of Eastern Europe in an attempt to ruthlessly conquer and occupy territories that did not belong to them through blunt force, and terror, but most importantly through corruption, and infiltration (the kind we still see today).

Wikipedia proposes without any evidence that the name Agathyrsi comes from the Hellenized form of a Scythian name whose original form is not attested. What we do know is that the term agathyrsus in Old Romanian denomination means “rulers with cane sticks/rods” (thirsus meaning rod/Rom. târș). They were engaged in the mining and processing of precious metals. That’s where the Romanian expression “to rule with an iron rod” comes from.
According to Herodotus, the Agathyrsi of Transylvania were always hostile to the Scythians and were never subject to them. Moreover, the Scythian king Ariapeithes, who had established friendly relations with the Odrisians, by marrying the Odris king Teres I’s daughter, was caught and executed by the Agathyrsi king Spargapeithes. This incomplete information transmitted by Herodotus does not allow the full reconstruction of the historical events of the 5th century BC, it is enough to help us understand the actual relationships between the Scythians and the Agathyrsi. We will further discuss Scythians later in the article.

5. Agathyrsi Were a Highly Evolved Society

Agathyrsi were a peaceful, matriarchal civilization native to the hearth of the ancient European Civilization, also known as Old Europe. They lived in perfect harmony with nature, and the elements, in a circular, beehive-type society, as opposed to the pyramid-type patriarchal society of the Scythians (the corrupted society we live in today). Indeed, they were a highly evolved matriarchal society, a solar and circular society (see the Romanian dance horă and flower symbolism), very different from the layered and hierarchical Scythian-type patriarchal society we live in today. Women were highly praised as rulers for their power to give life, happiness, and connection to source.

The Agathyrsi Empire comprised 16 ruling families forming the Round Table, each represented by an animal totem. The 16 noble Agarthan families had one mission, and that was to protect the 17th totem, their Queen Salamander (Asalamandraxia), as they were a matriarchal society. Their society functioned as the gears of a clock, in a sort of enlightened socialism (due to their spiritual evolution), where no individual was more important than another, and all the decisions were for the greater good of the majority.
Agathyrsi were vegetarians, did not kill animals for food or engage in drinking alcohol or use other mind-altering drugs to attain higher states of consciousness, as they already were a high vibrational civilization.
Their diet was mostly based on what they grew or foraged such as cereals, grains, vegetables, fruit, mushrooms, wild berries, edible herbs, raw honey, and cheese. They were beekeepers and shepherds, but also highly skilled gold miners. Herodotus highlights the similarities between the Agathyrsi and the Thracians, distinguishing, however, some special features, such as their gentleness, great wealth in gold, and the common ownership of women and men over the land (equalitarian society).
Agathyrsi are the most kind of men and have golden tools. They have their wives in common, so that they may all be brothers among themselves and thus being closely related, neither envy nor hatred may exist between them. (Herodotus, Historiae, IV, 104).
Their marriage unions were performed according to their laws, and women and men met once a year to procreate. When a boy was born, he was given to men to raise him after the age of 7, and if the baby was a girl, she remained to be raised by her mother. Starting at 18 years of age, Agathyrsi were fully educated by the state and received a solid military and cultural education. This explains the formidable military force that the Agathyrsi possessed, causing even the mighty Scythians to retreat defeated.
Aristotle tells us that they were guided by laws written in verses for easier learning, The Belagines (Probl. XIX, 28) which translate into Romanian as the gentle laws (Rom. blajin/e meaning gentle). According to some sources, the Agathyrsi tattooed themselves with intricate symbols and wore their long hair in a very refined and unique comb, the Apuseni moți being some of their last remnants.

6. Agathyrsi Had Pitch Black Hair and Fair Skin
Agathyrsi people originally had a blueish skin tone, which has been lost with time following the great Atlantean War, when the Atlanteans attacked humanity with nuclear missiles, a fact that led to the establishment of an atomic winter, the formation of the Sahara, Atacama, Nevada, and Gobi deserts, and the sinking of Atlantis. A reminiscence of their blue skin is the reference to “blue blood”, referring to an aristocrat, noble, or member of a socially prominent family, reminding us of their royal bloodlines.
In all actuality, all native European nations used to have blue skin and different hair tones, depending on the primordial element they were connected with, respectively black was matter, yellow was water, red was fire, white was air, and blue represented vital energy. The Agathyrsi in particular had blue skin and pitch-black hair. After losing their skin pigment, their skin color turned light or pale (not brown or black as that of the Scythians). Thus, the original colors of the Agarthian flag are blue, white, and black featuring a dragon in the middle surrounded by the 17 stars of the Draco Constellation.

Centuries later, the now-Romanians inhabiting the ancient region of Wallachia (Blaquie, Blaquia, Val[l]achia) were referred to as vlachs, vlah, valah, valach, voloh, blac, oláh, ulah, etc. This is potentially where the English word black comes from, referring to their black hair. Some Wallachian voivodes had their name/title “black” (Rom. negru), another reminiscence of the royal people of these lands. In this sense we have Negru Vodă (The Black Voivode), the legendary founder of Wallachia, as well as the houses of Mavrocordat stemming from the root “mavro/mor“, meaning “maur/o“, namely black, and the house of Caragea, and Serbian royal family Karađorđević (Vasojevići tribe), “cara/kara” meaning black in Turhish (Kara Deniz means Black Sea in Turkish).
Remember how we previously mentioned that the Agathyrs Empire stretched from the Black Sea to The Black Forest in Germany, and from the Black Plain in Poland to the Black Plateau in Italy? Well, this is not a coincidence. In time, most of the surface Agathyrsi population has been mixed with other ethnicities, but the original Agathyrsi people have fair skin and pitch-black hair. On the opposite side, Scythians were/are redheads, as they were a fire, violent nation, and have darker skin, similar to Indians/Pakistanis, where they have migrated from.

7. The True Ancestors of Romanians and the Vlach Shepherds
Although most historians today agree that the Dacians and the Romans were the ancestors of Romanians, and believe the Dacians to be a Thracian tribe, this is further from the truth. What is true is that Dacians were an Indo-European, Scythian tribe of the Masagettae originally from the region of Dhaka/Dacca (Dacia), India. They were forced to flee their lands led by their Queen Tomiris in an attempt to escape the ruthless Scythian patriarchy established by their high priest Zamolxes, who had dethroned the legitimate matriarchy of the lands.
Scythians split into two main groups, namely the authentic, matriarchal Scythians (led by Queen Tomiris into Dobruja, Romania where they were given land by the Agathyrsi king Sargapeithes), also known as Daci/Dahai, and the cruel, patriarchal Scythians led by Zalmoxis who sought to subjugate and destroy other civilizations as they were corrupted by the influence of alcohol (spirits) which whetted their appetites for satanic rituals, cannibalism, and blood drinking rituals.
Know that all ancient societies used to have a matriarchal system, and they lived in peace and harmony. In exchange for refuge, the Dacians became allies of the Agathyrsi in matters of war, and they had the duty to defend the lands against any Scythian invaders. Their name comes from Queen Tomyris’s first husband, King Knurus Daugeta. In turn, Queen Tomiris also gave the historical name to the largest harbor at The Black Sea, the city of Tomis (Constanța, Romania).
The matriarchal Scythians (Masagettae and Dacians), fled their homes in central and south Asia (today’s India) led by Queen Tomiris into Dobruja, where they were welcomed by the Agathyrsi. Thus the ancient name Scythia Minor of the Dobruja region.
Traditional Romanian carols preserved in Transylvanian folklore of Upper Mureș and Târnave rivers tell us that the ancient inhabitants of these lands were farmers, beekeepers, vine growers, and shepherds. Indeed, Agathyrsi were famous shepherds, the predecessors of the famous Vlachs who traveled the Carpathians from center Romania all the way up to Czechia (see Moravian Wallachia), to Polish Carpathians (see Gorals), to Ukraine (see Hutsuls) and down to Serbia (see Timok Vlachs), Bulgaria, Albania (see Aromanian), Bosnia and Macedonia, and Greece (see Megleno-Romanians) with their flocks of goats and sheep.
They even reached Croatia and the Istrian Coast, where there still are small communities of Morlachs, later known as Istro-Romanians. These people are all the reminiscence of a larger empire, the Agathyrsi Empire, the birthplace of Old Europe. In time, the Vlachs have been assimilated into Scythians, Slavs, Huns, and other migratory populations from Asia who have occupied a large part of Central and Eastern Europe.
Still, despite the intense assimilation efforts of Vlachs by the majority population of the abovementioned countries, they have managed to keep their traditions, language, and culture, which is still a mystery to this day. This speaks volumes of the tremendous civilization of Agartha, the oldest human civilization in Europe (see Cucuteni Civilization, Hamangia Culture, Vinca-Turdaș Civilization, The Bone Cave, and Tartaria Tablets).

8. Gold Diggers and Skilled Craftsmen
Accordingly, Herodotus located Agathyrsi on the course of the river Maris (Rom. Mureş) in Transylvania, where they were engaged in mining gold and precious metals. Let’s not forget that one of the oldest and largest gold mines in Europe is located in the Apuseni Mountains of Romania (Roșia Montană). Herodotus also describes them as powerful, civilized, and very rich people due to their immense gold resources and skills.
From time immemorial, Agathyrsi had the task of supervising the gold transports from mines in the Carpathian mountains and into the hands of the Giants and extraterrestrial civilizations, alongside their allies, the Aryans (the offsprings of Dragonian aliens with Sarmatian/Sauromatian women). The Giants were benevolent 4-5 m tall human hybrids of the white race, who carried out their activity in Agartha, as intermediaries between Agathyrsi, Thracians, Sauromtians/Sarmatians, and Draconian Aliens. In parts of Transylvania, old folks still tell stories of the giants (Rom. urieși) that once roamed their lands.
Agathyrsi are very elegant people, who adorn themselves with gold ornaments, which corresponds perfectly to the gold riches of their lands.
Romanian historian and archaeologist, Vasile Pârvan confirms that the Agathyrsi people loved gold jewelry, which was worn especially by men (which can be true, as in the tradition of the Romanian people, men used to wear golden rings). They wore gold, and silver jewelry adorned with precious crystals on special ceremonial occasions so they do not forget who they are. This also shows in the super-advanced gold jewelry manufacturing systems that they created, by mixing gold with a small amount of silver to enhance the color and strength of their bracelets, technologies that we cannot technically or chemically replicate today.
Moreover, the Agathyrsi stood out with their unusual hairstyles and hair combs. Coincidentally or not, the Transylvanian moți (who have traditionally inhabited the areas with the largest gold reserves of the Carpathians; Roșia Montană – Bucium, Baia de Arieș, Almaș – Stănija and Brad – Săcărâmb gold reserves) got their name from their unusual hairstyle, which was a braided and tight tail like in a small bun on one side of their head. This hairstyle is no longer preserved today, but old village people still wore it at the beginning of the 20th century.

9. Scythian, The Ultimate Enemies of The Agathyrsi

All the good and the villain folks’ stories are true. Where there is good there is also evil lurking in the shadows. In the case of the Agathyrsi, their low-vibe counterparts were mainly the dreadful Scythians, whom they fought against throughout history. Despite the accepted history, the Scythians have inhabited a large area comprising the Red Continent (North America) and parts of Asia (mainly today’s India), as these two continents used to be merged into one. This explains why the indigenous populations in North America are called Native Indians, and share similar features with Indians from Asia.
According to the official history, during the 4th century CE, the Scythians completely disappeared from the historical records when they were devastated by the Huns and assimilated by the Goths. But this is further from the truth. In all actuality, Scythians have not gone extinct, but have split into two parts, the original matriarchal Scythians (benevolent) and the patriarchal Scythians (malevolent) after being infiltrated by negative alien races.
These aliens introduced them to alcohol (spirits!), which opened their appetite for eating meat (animal and human), sexual orgies, as well as horrific human and animal sacrifices in the name of the Gods, including drinking the blood of those sacrificed (the blood of Christ…/adenochrome). This is why they have divided into several tribes and often changed names and seemingly disappeared at a certain point, precisely to mislead the other peoples, but this is a false history they have created to help them lose their tracks. Both the benevolent and malevolent factions still exist today.
Scythians are descendants of the ancient Atlanteans (see NATO).
The Scythians brought humanity to its knees wherever they went, after infiltrating, hijacking, and dethroning many ancient civilizations through history. They are the Latins or Ladins (patriarchal Scythians) who dethroned the last Etruscan King of Agarthyrs descent (Tarquinia gens was an Agarthyrs family – see Tarquinius, the last Etruscan king of Rome) and overly changed the Etruscan Kingdom for the Roman Empire. The Scythian Latins intentionally misled the population and falsely accused the last Etruscan king of raping one of their patricians, conducted a popular revolt, and dethroned the king (similar to most orchestrated ”revolutions” in recent history).
Then they started fighting the other native European peoples, in a “noble” attempt to “civilize” these barbarians (Helvetii, Gauls, Celts, Britons, Agarthyrs, etc.), and are presented as the heroes of the Ancient World. They also invented the Christian religion as a means to control and oppress people. Agathyrsi were taken out of the history textbooks by the Catholic Church and the Vatican.
Some of the most popular Scythian factions throughout history were the Romans, the Latins (Christian Priests), the Cumans, the Khazars, the Spartans, the Gypsy populations originally from India, and most of the royal families worldwide. They have created and/or infiltrated and hijacked some of the most powerful institutions such as the Roman Kingdom/Empire, the Christian Church, The United States of America, NATO, financial institutions, occult organizations, and key institutions of the world. And the battle between their institutions and those of the Agathyrsi and fellow allies (Sarmatians mainly)

You can recognize their institutions by the blazons that they use, which are either a lion (used especially by the Ashkenazi Jews), an eagle, or an owl (used by Anunnaki aliens, which were avian extraterrestrials, not reptilians BTW) as opposed to the dragon/serpent from the benevolent Draco aliens. The real reason why the serpent is demonized in the Christian religion is that the Agathyrsi kings who had the totem of the serpent constantly opposed these wicked individuals.

This is why the serpent is demonized in the Christian Religion. The descendants of Scythians today can still be recognized by their red hair (ROT in German means Red – see Judas Iscariot) and fair skin, or black hair and brown skin (Indians/red skins). This explains why, contrary to popular belief, redheads did not originate in Scandinavia, Scotland, or Ireland, but in central Asia due to a mutation in the MC1R gene.
Where Are The Agathyrsi Today?
The Agathyrsi people have withdrawn inside the mysterious Carpathian Mountains from the wandering ruthless patriarchal Scythian mobs. The reason is that they still possess unaltered consciousness and knowledge of the universe. They were not forced to retreat underground, but have decided to do so to protect their civilization from the clutches of drunkards and carnivores roaming their lands. There is a pure part of them, who have never seen a crime and do not even have knowledge of the evils that happened on earth, while others are constituted as a barrier on the surface to protect the rest.
The great majority of humans cannot get in contact with the Agathyrsi because humanity has greatly lowered its vibration through the consumption of alcohol, meat, and drugs, thus following a self-serving mentality. At the moment, they avoid human contact as humans are as unpredictable as hornets, while they harmoniously operate as bees. Their intermediaries with people aboveground are the few of them who remained on the surface a few thousand years ago.
Valentin Tîrcă, like Vlad II Dracul/Dragon and his son Vlad Drăculea (Vlad Țepeș), and many Order of the Dragon fighters, more or less known, is part of the imperial Agathyrsi families that have remained at the surface with the mission to fight off the wandering mobs led by the patriarchs from reaching them, like warrior bees that protect the hive and their bee queen.

has been vilified as a blood thirsty demon by the Catholic Church
They have been many times attacked and still are by these vile individuals, but according to Valentin Tîrcă (IO AS THAARQ UN AG WHAALHALENSSIS in the Agathyrsi language), this state of affairs will end soon. As advice for humanity, he said the following:
The day you will organize to take your power back from the hands of the patriarchs, when you will no longer kill animals to eat them, and when hatred, envy, and ego will be destroyed within you, the Agathyrsi from inside the Carpathian Mountains will be shown to you.
Read Also: Agartha Is Real and Is Located in Today’s Romania
The heinous crimes that take place on the surface level create a lot of discomfort and anger for the highly evolved individuals living underground, but the Agathyrsi continue to work on an energy level to balance the negative energies at the surface, protect the sacred lands of Agartha (see the Bucegi Israeli helicopter crash) and fight the negative entities that have hijacked humanity and still control all of its institutions. What we can all do to help them succeed is set good intentions and use our imagination to create the reality that we prefer, where there is no fear, control, or domination, but only love, peace, and harmony.
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